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PIJIP at American University to Lead the Open COVID Pledge

Open Science post

We are pleased to announce today that our friends at the Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property (PIJIP) at American University Washington College of Law have taken over leadership and stewardship of the Open COVID Pledge (OCP). Last year, Creative Commons joined forces with an international group of volunteer researchers, scientists, academics, and lawyers…

Creative Commons Is Now Leading the Open COVID Pledge—Here’s What That Means

About CC post

We’re pleased to announce today that Creative Commons is taking on leadership and stewardship of the Open COVID Pledge. Earlier this year, CC joined forces with an international group of researchers, scientists, academics, and lawyers seeking to accelerate the development of diagnostics, vaccines, therapeutics, medical equipment, and software solutions that might be used to assist…

Tech Giants Join the CC-Supported Open COVID Pledge

Open Science post

Momentum continues to swell in support of the Open COVID Pledge, with the announcement today by Amazon, Facebook, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IBM, Microsoft, and Sandia National Laboratories, that they are pledging their patents to the public to freely use in support of solving the COVID-19 pandemic. Following in the footsteps of Intel, Fabricatorz Foundation, and…

Digital Democracy from the ‘Global Britain for an open world?’ publication

Copyright post
"Trailing Again" by Jacob Surland Fine Art Photographer is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Last month, the Foreign Policy Centre (FPC) and Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) released a publication entitled Global Britain for an open world? Open societies around the world and the international system that supports them are under growing threat. This publication examines the importance of open societies to the UK’s ‘force for good’ ambitions.  Edited…

Our Community is Reducing the Impact of COVID-19 on Science, Education, and Culture

Community post
CC community at CC Global Summit 2020 Credit: "33962822768_a6f5d169b8_o" Sebastiaan ter Burg (CC BY)

COVID-19 has changed many things about how we all learn, work, and play. In fact, it has drastically changed how we lead our lives. But in these exceptionally distressing times, one thing that hasn’t changed is the dynamism and resilience of the Creative Commons (CC) community. In this blog post, we’re thrilled to share some…

From Historic Images to Galactic Datasets: A Look at NASA’s Mission to Be Open

Open Access, Open Science post
Astronaut Edwin Aldrin walks on lunar surface near leg of Lunar Module Astronaut Edwin Aldrin walks on lunar surface near leg of Lunar Module. Credit: Neil Armstrong/NASA, (1969) in the public domain.

It’s July 20, 1969.  Along with 600 million people, nine-year-old Chris Hadfield is glued to his television—watching intently as American astronaut Neil Armstrong glides down the ladder of the Lunar Module, and in one swift pounce, touches the dust of a familiar yet alien world. His words forever immortalized, “That’s one small step for man,…