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Numly and RegisteredCommons


A class of services that complements and builds upon the CC infrastructure includes assurance, provenance, registration, and warranty. Numly and RegisteredCommons are two currently pioneering organizations in this space. Chris Matthieu of Numly started a descrption and comparison table for the space on the CC wiki. People from RegisteredCommons have added. Other experts or those…

ccHost 3.1


Yesterday saw the release of version 3.1 of the world’s premier (it won an award…) remix centric CMS — ccHost. Check out the developer discussion to get a sense of the cool projects people are building on this GPL codebase.

Mediashift and Flickr


Mark Glaser of the PBS site Media Shift wrote a great article about the use and adoption of CC licenses with in the Flickr community. Glaser used a CC licensed Flickr photo by photographer Kris Krug for a blog post that he was writing about Mark Cuban. Krug gave Glasner a ‘virtual high-five’ for doing…

Embedding licenses in PDFs


Some sharp guys over at Cogniview emailed me a couple of weeks ago, inquiring about embedding CC licenses in PDF files. Today I got a chance to look at the first fruits of that interchange, CCInfo. CCInfo is a plugin for Adobe Acrobat that lets you select and embed a Creative Commons license. Its Windows…

Creative Commons Launches 2nd Annual Fundraising Campaign

About CC, Copyright

Creative Commons Launches 2nd Annual Fundraising Campaign San Francisco, USA — October 17, 2006 Creative Commons has just launched its 2nd Annual Fundraising Campaign. The second annual campaign features new support pages on the Creative Commons website which offer new swag including a new T-shirt design, new vinyl stickers and hipster CC buttons. In addition,…

A Report on the Commons


So, with this email, Creative Commons launches its second (now officially) annual fundraising campaign. Last year, through the course of that first campaign, I wrote a series of letters explaining a bit about where Creative Commons came from, and where it was going. Those letters (creatively labeled “Lessig Letters”) are still available here. This year,…

CC tech, Toronto and Boise


There will be (at least) four Creative Commons talks October 27. Three in Toronto at the 5th annual Seneca Free Software & Open Source Symposium: Nathan Yergler on Little “s” Semantic: Exploring Metadata About the Web, Jon Phillips on ccHost: Open Service and Media Hosting with Creative Commons software, and CC Canada joint project lead…

Creative Commons Launches 2nd Annual Fundraising Campaign


This week marks the launch of Creative Commons’ second annual fundraising campaign. Last year, we experienced phenomenal support from our community - with over $250,000 donated. This year’s campaign boasts multiple ways to support CC. You can show your support directly - by making a donation and/or purchasing CC swag at our online store; or…

Dan the Automator on the RU Sirius Show


The legendary R.U. Sirius has a really great podcast called the R.U. Sirius Show. The most recent episode features an interview with Dan the Automator, the producer behind such projects as Dr. Octagon, Handsome Boy Modeling School, Deltron 3030, and the first Gorillaz album. The Automator, who contributed the CC-licensed track “Relaxation Spa Treatment” to…