Absolutely amazing news coming from CC-centric music site Jamendo in that they have just released their 10,000th CC-licensed album! From Jamendo: Jamendo is the first global platform for music downloads under Creative Commons licenses. On Jamendo, thousands of independent artists authorise the sharing of their music. It’s free, legal and unlimited. Jamendo is also a…
The Smithsonian has joined the Library of Congress, the Powerhouse Museum, and the Brooklyn Museum in releasing numerous (over 850 from the Smithsonian alone) photos from their archives online – free of copyright restrictions – to The Commons on Flickr. There are some absolutely stunning photographs available in high-resolution, ranging from portraits of artists, scientists,…
Agrega, a new educational initiative promoting internet in the classroom, is a collaborative effort on the part of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Social Politics and Sports, Red.es, the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, and the Autonomous Communities and Autonomous Cities of Spain (CC.AA). Agrega is Spain’s new educational digital object platform, “which consists…
CC Salon LA is back NEXT WEEK (6/26/08) with an awesome lineup to get your summer CC brain cells churning at warp speed! Joining us will be Curt Smith, solo-artist and co-founder of Tears for Fears, who will be discussing the decision to release his most recent album Halfway, Pleased under a CC license. Also…
In preparation for the Building an Australasian Commons conference next week, the CC Australia team has released two ported Version 3.0 license drafts for public discussion: Attribution (BY) and Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (BY-NC-SA). CC Australia is focusing the discussion on these two particular licenses because they are 1) the simplest license (BY) and 2) the most complex…
Today is the Creative Commons TechSummit in Mountain View, CA. The wonderful group of interns will be live blogging the event on the CC Techblog, be sure to watch. Schedule of speakers and more can be found on the wiki page.
Firefox 3 launches today. If you’ve been using the program’s betas and release candidates, you know it is awesome — awesomely fast, awesome user interface, AwesomeBar. If not, you’re in for a treat. In either case, upgrade your browsing today and help set a world download record. Among Firefox’s awesome features is integrated CC search.
Jordan has long been a geographical area where Creative Commons has looked to expand (you can read about our Jordan-specific jurisdiction work here) – as such, recent news about the promotion of CC, the public domain, and an increased spirit of sharing in Jordan is inspiring. Two UK artists, Eileen Simpson and Ben White of…
About 3 months ago we blogged about the great webcomic Diesel Sweeties and the decision of its creator, rstevens, to release a 10 volume set of DS archives under a CC BY-NC license. Over the weekend, rstevens got the last of the ebooks up, totaling at 2,000 freely licensed webcomics! You can download them directly…
Big Buck Bunny, a short 3D animated film produced by the Amsterdam-based ‘Blender Institute‘ (who we have praised previously), was recentlly posted for download online. Debuted publicly back in March (our own Jon Phillips spoke before the premier), the film is being released online under the non-restrictive CC BY license as a means to widely…