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Author: Nate Angell

Peter-Lucas Jones Será una Oradora Principal en la Cumbre Mundial CC 2023

A headshot of Peter-Lucas Jones, smiling and wearing a rust top and tan coat, to the right of a colorful illustration of a wall of windows, each revealing a different human or animal doing some activity, on a building decorated with a light blue CC Global Summit banner hanging from a slender blue line, surrounded by yellow butterflies and birds and green vines and plants. A headshot used by permission from the original “Peter-Lucas Jones” next to Somos El Bien Común" by Eréndira Derbez for Creative Commons, here cropped, licensed via CC BY 4.0.

[read this post in English >] Tenemos un grupo increíble de personas preparadas para ser oradores principales en la Cumbre Global 2023, que se llevará a cabo del 3 al 6 de octubre en la Ciudad de México. Recientemente anunciamos a Anya Kamenetz y ahora, en nuestro segundo anuncio, damos la bienvenida a Peter-Lucas Jones,…

Peter-Lucas Jones to Keynote CC Global Summit 2023

A headshot of Peter-Lucas Jones, smiling and wearing a rust top and tan coat, to the right of a colorful illustration of a wall of windows, each revealing a different human or animal doing some activity, on a building decorated with a light blue CC Global Summit banner hanging from a slender blue line, surrounded by yellow butterflies and birds and green vines and plants. A headshot used by permission from the original “Peter-Lucas Jones” next to Somos El Bien Común" by Eréndira Derbez for Creative Commons, here cropped, licensed via CC BY 4.0.

[lee esta entrada en español >] We have an incredible group of people lined up to be keynote speakers at the 2023 CC Global Summit, to be held 3–6 October in Mexico City. Recently we announced Anya Kamenetz, and now in our second announcement, we welcome Peter-Lucas Jones, who will address the Summit with a…

Anya Kamenetz Será una Oradora Principal en la Cumbre Mundial CC 2023

A headshot of Anya Kamenetz, smiling and wearing a greenish top, to the right of a colorful illustration of a wall of windows, each revealing a different human or animal doing some activity, on a building decorated with a light blue CC Global Summit banner hanging from a slender blue line, surrounded by yellow butterflies and birds and green vines and plants. A headshot cropped from the original “Anya Kamenetz” by Will O’Hare next to Somos El Bien Común" by Eréndira Derbez for Creative Commons, also cropped, licensed via CC BY 4.0.

[read this post in English >] Tenemos un grupo increíble de personas preparadas para ser oradores principales en la Cumbre Global 2023, que se llevará a cabo del 3 al 6 de octubre en la Ciudad de México. En nuestro primer anuncio, damos la bienvenida a la escritora Anya Kamenetz, quien cerrará la Cumbre con…

How CC Will Advance Open Licensing Understanding Within 25 California Community Colleges

Open Education
A teal and light purple graphic of lines and arrows with the text: Open Educational Resources 2023 Spark Grantees next to the Creative Commons and The Michelson 20MM Foundation logos and wordmarks. Open Educational Resources 2023 Spark Grantees” used with permission from The Michelson 20MM Foundation.

Crossposted with permission from The Michelson 20MM Foundation 23 Aug 2023 blog post. Creative Commons licenses enable much of the open content across the arts, sciences, and academia, including open educational resources (OER). Creative Commons (CC) offers CC Certificate courses, or training on CC licensing and open tools, which have become a key tool for…

NYC Symposium: Generative AI & the Creativity Cycle

Generated by AI: A white robot with a look of concentration on their face, wearing a red cap and robe, painting an empty gold picture frame with a brush that has an abstract flower growing up from its handle. Detail from “AI Outputs” by CC0.

Are you thinking about how generative artificial intelligence (AI) intersects with creativity? Or how it draws from existing works and collections? Or enables new understandings of culture? Join Creative Commons in NYC on 13 September 2023 for a full-day symposium focused on the intersection of generative artificial intelligence, cultural heritage, and contemporary creativity. This event…

Surveying the Open Climate Data Landscape

Open Climate, Open Data
A satellite image of the Volga River delta at the Caspian Sea, showing scattered white ice floating in greenish water around patches of brownish land. Volga River. Caspian Sea (7-03-2023)” by Miguel Masegosa is licensed via CC BY 2.0 and contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2023 processed by Sentinel Hub.

At CC we believe that to solve big problems, the knowledge and culture about those problems needs to be open and freely accessible. In line with our Open Climate Campaign, which focuses on opening up climate research, we recently launched the Open Climate Data project, to facilitate better sharing of climate data on a global…