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Creative Commons Bootcamp for California Community Colleges

Open Education

Open Education Week offers a global festival of open education efforts. As we take stock of the offerings, it’s heartening to look at how individual efforts can feed into larger system’s change. In our Open Education Week 2023 blog post, we highlight community members’ approaches and tools, opening access to education and knowledge. Below, we…

CC Open Education Platform Lightning Talks February 2023: Recordings and Slides

Open Education

On 2 February 2023, the Creative Commons Open Education Platform community held Lightning Talks, where presenters shared innovative ideas and technologies in the field of Open Education. Each speaker brought unique expertise to the table, sparking conversations and inspiring new ideas. You can watch the replay below. The Lightning Talk Presenters: Reimagining Open Education as…

Training: Open Licenses for Artists, Musicians and Creators

Licenses & Tools
The tip of a ballpoint pen with a smear of bluish ink and a water drop reflecting/containing a pink flower blossom perched on the tip, highly magnified on a glowing pink background.
Macrofotografia Drops & Flowers by Mario Jr. Nicorelli, slightly cropped, is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

Curious about Creative Commons licenses? Join Creative Commons staff for an overview of the six CC licenses and two public domain tools. We will describe the CC license and tool elements, their legal, machine-readable, and human-readable layers, as well as show practical use cases for each of the licenses and tools. Participants will engage in…

¿Interasado en ser voluntario en la formación de la Cumbre Global CC en la Ciudad de México?

A photo tinted blue of a giant Mexican flag flying over Mexico City’s Zocalo Square with the Cathedral in the background, decorated with CC Global Summit logo and text that says “Mexico City | 3-6 Oct 2023” and “SUMMIT.CREATIVECOMMONS.ORG”
"Creative Commons Summit 2023" by ProtoplasmaKid is licensed via CC BY 4.0.

[Read this post in English >] ¿Ya escuchaste la emocionante noticia de que el CC Global Summit 2023 será en la Ciudad de México? Ahora tienes la oportunidad de ser voluntario y formar parte de los comités que ayudarán a dar forma al programa y podrás evaluar las solicitudes de becas para futuros participantes. Los…