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New TED Fellows Program


If you’re like me, you probably never even heard of the TED conference until TED Talks launched online (in April of 2007). TED stands for “Technology, Entertainment, Design” and their talks are given annually at the TED conference in Long Beach, CA. 50 speakers give “talks” or 18 minute speeches about a variety of issues,…

ccNewsletter #11


We’re at a very exciting time in the life of CC. We had a great year last year, and as you’ll read in this newsletter, CC is poised for even more growth and success in 2009 — in the realms of education, science, culture, internationally, and more. February also marks the one-year anniversary since the…

2008 Sparky Award Winners


The winners of last year’s Sparky Awards are now officially up online (see today’s press release). The Sparky Awards is “a contest organized by SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) and adopted by campuses nationwide that calls on entrants to creatively illustrate in a short video the value of sharing ideas.” The student…

CC Salon in Bogotá


CC Colombia has proudly announced their first CC Salon will be held in Bogotá! The guests accompanying the program come from different backgrounds (film, music, and the web), but with a common purpose: to share content. Speaking at the event: Diego Ramirez: Marketing for Dynamo Capital Andrés Succar: Director of Banda Calambuco Claudio Ruiz: President…

CC Salon in Bogotá


CC Colombia has proudly announced their first CC Salon will be held in Bogotá! The guests accompanying the program come from different backgrounds (film, music, and the web), but with a common purpose: to share content. Speaking at the event: Diego Ramirez: Marketing for Dynamo Capital Andrés Succar: Director of Banda Calambuco Claudio Ruiz: President…

CC on BeyondTheBook podcast and at UGCX conference

Open Culture

The latest Beyond The Book podcast (mp3) features an interview with CC staff Mike Linksvayer and Melissa Reeder. The two main themes discussed are the intersection of public sharing under CC licenses and alternative private arrangements (see our post on Ozmo, a service that enables both, discussed on the podcast) and the upcoming UGCX conference.…

Koblo: Online Music Collaboration

Open Culture, Technology

Koblo is a new online music collaboration site that utilizes CC licensing on tracks and song stems to promote community remixing and reuse. Uniquely, Koblo exists beyond the web in the form of Koblo Studio, a free and opensource software DAW that has the ability to upload projects to Koblo’s community site with all the…

Indaba Music on Colbert Report Tonight

Open Culture

Following up Lawrence Lessig’s remix-tastic appearance on the Colbert Report earlier in January, Indaba Music‘s Dan Zaccagnino will be chatting with Stephen tonight about Indaba’s remix and online collaboration community. If you’re looking to create your own Colbert remix or just listen to some more, head over to the page on Indaba Music that is…

Joi Ito at DLD on Creative Commons

Events, Open Culture

Creative Commons’ CEO, Joi Ito recently gave a talk at the Digital Life Design conference in Munich. If you’ve been waiting to watch a talk introducing Creative Commons to 2009, this is your talk. Joi first hits on how CC helps innovators (especially those online) lower the transaction costs when dealing with cultural works restricted…

Thanks and congratulations to Catherine Casserly!

Open Education

Catherine Casserly, Director of Open Educational Resources Initiative at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and long-time supporter of CC, has taken a new position at The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. As stated in the press release: As the first full-time Senior Partner appointed by Carnegie President Anthony S. Bryk, Casserly will…