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Announcing Open Registration for CC Certificates
by Jennryn Wetzler About CCIn response to the growing use of CC licenses globally, and the corresponding need for open licensing expertise, Creative Commons is officially launching the CC Certificate program today.
Katherine Maher on a generosity of spirit and contributing to the Commons
by Jennie Rose Halperin EventsKatherine will be speaking on Friday, April 13 at 11AM at the CC Global Summit and will follow up her talk with a panel on “The Big Open,” exploring how networks for Open can work together collaboratively and effectively.
“This is all about Sharing“
by Loup About CCAris Maro on the power of networking, librarians, and sharing African knowledge with the world
Derecho de autor en el tratado de libre comercio Mercosur-Unión Europea: pocas mejoras y muchos retrocesos
by Timothy Vollmer CopyrightPublicado originalmente en inglés el 6 de abril de 2018. Traducción: Equipo de CC Uruguay. Un borrador recientemente filtrado del tratado de libre comercio Mercosur-Unión Europea muestra pequeñas mejoras en el capítulo sobre propiedad intelectual. Parece que la extensión innecesaria e injustificada de 20 años de duración del derecho de autor ahora se elimina del acuerdo, y…
Direito autoral no tratado comercial Mercosul-UE: poucas melhoras e muitos retrocessos
by Timothy Vollmer CopyrightPublicado originalmente em inglês em 6 de abril de 2018. Tradução: Ana Luiza Araújo Uma proposta recém vazada do tratado de livre comércio entre o Mercosul e a União Europeia mostra pequenas melhorias no capítulo sobre propriedade intelectual. Agora parece que a extensão desnecessária e injustificada dos prazos de direito de autor por 20 anos não…
Copyright in Mercosur-EU trade agreement: A little better, but mostly worse
by Timothy Vollmer CopyrightA recently-leaked draft of the Mercosur-EU free trade agreement shows minor improvements to the chapter on intellectual property. It appears that the unnecessary and unwarranted 20 year copyright term extension is now dropped from the agreement, and the parties have introduced some flexibility for users to get around technical protection measures in order to leverage…
Chris Bourg on the Compelling Vision for an Open Digital Commons
by Jennie Rose Halperin EventsMIT Libraries Director Chris Bourg is one of the most salient voices in the library community for Open Access, diversity and inclusion, ethics in scholarly publishing, and social justice.
We are CC: This year’s CC Global Summit Scholarship Recipients
by Jennie Rose Halperin EventsThe Summit is our annual time to come together to celebrate, appreciate, amplify, and learn with each other.
Growing an Open Movement: Claudio Ruiz on CC’s Global Network
by Eric Steuer About CCEarlier this year, Creative Commons publicly launched the CC Global Network, a program designed to provide new and simple ways for anyone in the world to get involved with Creative Commons and the CC community.
It’s a Business Model Based on Sharing
by Loup About CCSebastiaan ter Burg on sharing as a way of life, business and innovation