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Budapest Open Access Initiative policy recommendations for the next 10 years
by Timothy Vollmer UncategorizedTen years after the release of the Budapest Open Access Initiative, OA advocates last week released updated recommendations in support of open access around the world, touching on areas including policy, licensing, sustainability, and advocacy. Of particular interest are recommendations that urge funders to require open access when they make grants: “When possible, funder policies…
Work with CC: Director of Product Strategy
by greg UncategorizedPaul Cutler / CC BY SA. Creative Commons is looking for an experienced, innovative, and technically inclined individual to drive product development at CC. This individual will play a highly influential role in the future of Creative Commons as we look to the next 10 years. For those that have been paying attention, this is…
Europeana releases 20 million records into the public domain using CC0
by Timothy Vollmer UncategorizedThis week marks a momentous occasion, as Europeana — Europe’s digital library — has released 20 million records into the public domain using the CC0 Public Domain Dedication. This release is the largest one-time dedication of cultural data to the public domain using CC0. The Europeana dataset consists of descriptive information from a huge trove of digitized…
Remembering Lee Dirks
by puneet-kishor UncategorizedTwo years ago, I was trying to organize my first Creative Commons-sponsored event, a joint CC-USGS workshop titled Law and the GeoWeb. I ran into Lee in the keynote room at the CODATA conference in Cape Town and asked him to suggest a speaker from Microsoft. Lee said he would do better — he would host…
CC China Mainland launches 3.0 licenses
by aurelia UncategorizedAfter more than two years of hard work, the CC China Mainland 3.0 licenses are ready for use. Congratulations to Chunyan Wang and the entire CC China Mainland team. Thank you to everyone who helped create these licenses, including the community members who participated in the public discussion. China / Dainis Matisons / CC BY…
Ongoing discussions: NonCommercial and NoDerivatives
by Timothy Vollmer UncategorizedA few days ago the Students for Free Culture (SFC) published a provocative blog post called “Stop the inclusion of proprietary licenses in Creative Commons 4.0.” The article urged Creative Commons to deprecate (meaning “retire” or similar), or otherwise change the way Creative Commons offers licenses containing the NonCommercial and NoDerivatives terms, because they “do…
Counting down to the Open Knowledge Festival (Sept 17-22)
by Jane Park EventsWe’re psyched to be a part of OKFestival: Open Knowledge in Action. The OKFestival takes place September 17-22, 2012 in Helsinki, Finland, and features “a series of hands-on workshops, talks, hackathons, meetings and sprints” exploring a variety of areas including open development, open cultural heritage, and gender and diversity in openness. You can buy tickets…
European Commission wants to hear from you on "Opening Up Education"
by Timothy Vollmer UncategorizedThe Arab CC Community Celebrates with CC Iftars
by dona UncategorizedLast week, Muslims all over the world celebrated Eid al-fitr, a festivity which marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, dedicated to fasting and praying. Since 2010, Arab world–based Creative Commons communities have celebrated Ramadan by organizing “Creative Commons Iftars” (CC Iftar) across the region. CC Iftar Doha / CC Qatar / CC…
Meet Our New Senior Accountant, Senior Project Manager, and Project Coordinator for Science and Data
by elliot UncategorizedThree new employees have joined Creative Commons in the last few weeks. Join us in welcoming Jenny Utke, Paul Stacey, and Puneet Kishor to the team. Jenny Utke, Senior Accountant Jenny is originally from Michigan but has lived in California for over 10 years. She started her career as an auditor at CPA firms…