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LegalTorrents, “an online community created to discover and distribute Creative Commons licensed digital media”, recently revamped their website to include a stronger community focus as well as a more fluid user experience. We caught up with Jonathan Dugan to find out more about what LegalTorrents can offer those in the CC-community and why CC-using content…

TechSummit Video Now Online


Creative Commons held our first TechSummit at Google last month.  This event included an update and overview of Creative Commons technologies, panels featuring other leaders in open digital rights technologies, and a look at the future, including the role of digital copyright registries.  If you are curious of who all the speakers were you can…

Redefining the Book: Carnegie Mellon and Team Up


ETC Press has just launched as an “academic, open source, multimedia, publishing imprint.” The project is affiliated with the Entertainment Technology Center at Carnegie Mellon University and is in partnership with When authors submit their work to ETC they retain ownership of it but they also must submit it under either an Attribution-NoDerivativeWorks-NonCommercial or…

Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Online Video


Building off their previous effort “Recut, Reframe, Recycle: Quoting Copyrighted Material in User-Generated Video”, the Center for Social Media at American University recently released the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Online Video, a document intended to inform those making online video of their basic fair use rights: This document is a code…

The Metrics Project Now Live!


Tim Hwang, Business Development Intern here. Along with Jon Phillips and many others, we’ve been hard at work behind the scenes and excited to announce today that we’ve officially launched the Creative Commons Metrics Project! Recently, there’s been a growing academic interest in understanding how CC adoption is changing the creative landscape worldwide. Metrics is…

Creative Commons Launches Metrics Research Project

About CC

San Francisco, CA – July 9, 2008 Today Creative Commons (CC) announced the official launch of the Metrics project, a broad-based open web-based initiative to encourage and collect research efforts on the adoption of CC licenses worldwide. With the launch of the Creative Commons Case Studies project last month, CC expanded the qualitative information available…

One Web Day is September 22nd


I’m writing to you as the One Web Day Ambassador for July 9th 2008. One Web Day is a once-a-year celebration of all that is good about the Web. It’s organized by a non-profit team in New York City, but the celebrations take place all over the world. The Ambassadors project is designed to help…



Behance is many things – a creative network, an online magazine, a producer of creative tools, an index of creative professionals, and a purveyor of methodology for getting creative projects done. Perhaps it is better to think of Behance then as an organization that, in their own words, “designs products and services that empower the…

Announcing July's CC Salon NYC


One of my favorite parts of my job as Creative Commons’ Culture Program Associate in New York is that I get to organize our Salons here. With that in mind, it gives me great pleasure to announce the next CC Salon NYC. The Open Planning Project has graciously allowed us to use their loft space…

OpenMoko Reports Success With CC'd CAD Files


Great news coming out recently that our good friends over at the awesome open source mobile phone project OpenMoko have been seeing rapid success with releasing their CAD design files for the FreeRunner phone under the Creative Commons Share-Alike license. Their open design approach has spurred adoption, becoming the basis for the Dash Express car…