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Free! Music! Sampler now shipping
by elliot UncategorizedOur friends at Musikpiraten e.V. just let us know that the Free! Music! Sampler is now shipping. You might remember this year’s Free! Music! Contest. The winners have been chosen, and the heavily exclamatory compilation album looks gorgeous. You can listen to all the tracks and download the album from Musikpiraten’s Bandcamp page. While you’re…
Give open: CC's holiday shopping list
by elliot UncategorizedIf you’re scurrying for gifts this year, consider giving open. We’ve put together this list of a few of our favorite openly licensed gifts. What did we miss? Add your favorites to the comments. Sita Sings the Blues merchandise Not only is Sita a great film, but it has some of the most unique and…
Support Creative Commons on #GivingTuesday
by elliot UncategorizedBilly Meinke with our 92 donors. Are you number 93? Today, nonprofits and donors around the world are celebrating #GivingTuesday. When you’re deciding what organizations to support this year, we hope you consider Creative Commons. We have a lot to celebrate together this year. Last week, we unveiled Version 4.0 of the Creative Commons license…
School of Open begins investigating its impact with the OER Research Hub
by Jane Park UncategorizedMilton Keynes / CC BY I took up residence in Milton Keynes, England, for one week in October as the Linked OER Research Hub Fellow for the School of Open. The School of Open is a community of volunteers from all around the world who are developing free education opportunities on the meaning, application, and…
Human Services Taxonomy
by puneet-kishor Uncategorized[written in collaboration with Erine A. Gray, founder, Aunt Bertha and the Open Eligibility Project] Text-based search is powerful. However, as more and more information is digitized and made available on the internet, the effectiveness of text-based search could stand to be supplemented with other technologies. Aunt Bertha, an Austin, TX–based B Corporation, focuses on…
European directive on collective rights management: Collecting societies must allow use of CC licenses
by Paul Keller UncategorizedToday the JURI (legal affairs) committee of the European Parliament approved the compromise text of the proposed directive on collective rights management in the EU (478 KB PDF, passages in bold are changes from the original proposal). The main objective of the directive is to facilitate the licensing of music throughout Europe (which is currently…
Press release: Creative Commons launches Version 4.0 of its license suite
by elliot About CCDownload the press release (67 KB PDF). Creative Commons launches Version 4.0 of its license suiteRefreshed copyright licenses function globally and cover new rights Mountain View, CA, November 26, 2013: Creative Commons (CC) announced today that Version 4.0 of its licensing suite is now available for use worldwide. This announcement comes at the end of…
CC’s Next Generation Licenses — Welcome Version 4.0!
by Diane Peters UncategorizedWe proudly introduce our 4.0 licenses, now available for adoption worldwide. The 4.0 licenses — more than two years in the making — are the most global, legally robust licenses produced by CC to date. We have incorporated dozens of improvements that make sharing and reusing CC-licensed materials easier and more dependable than ever before.…
Are you on #teamopen? Support Creative Commons.
by elliot UncategorizedMeryl and our 67 donors. Are you number 68? There are over half a billion pieces of Creative Commons–licensed content in the world. That’s an impressive number, but it only hints at how powerful and widespread CC licenses have become. The real impact is in the stories of how people like you use CC licenses.…
CC to European Commission: No restrictions on PSI re-use
by Timothy Vollmer UncategorizedCreative Commons has responded to the European Commission’s consultation on recommended standard licenses, datasets and charging for the re-use of public sector information (PSI). See our response here. The Commission asked for comments on these issues in light of the adoption of the new Directive on re-use of public sector information. The Directive 1) brings…