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Search and Discovery for OER
by nathan UncategorizedOne of the issues that comes up repeatedly when talking about open educational resources (OER) is search and discovery. CC licenses provide the legal basis for sharing OER, but there’s a large technical component to sharing, as well. Publishers want to make sure their work is visible to users, and learners or educators need to…
Tonight! Live broadcast of ccSalon SF at 7:30pm PST
by allison UncategorizedCan’t make it in person to tonight’s salon at PariSoMa in San Francisco? Not to worry, you’ll be able to participate virtually thanks to VidSF, who will be broadcasting the event. Tune in at 7:30pm PST to hear panelists CEO Joi Ito, Arab World Media & Development Manager Donatella della Ratta, International Project Manager Michelle…
FrostClick/FrostWire Update
by cameron UncategorizedLast time we checked in on FrostWire, an open-source Bit Torrent and Gnutella client, we noted a distinct promotion of CC-licensed music and content to their community. This push has grown drastically in the months following with FrostClick, FrostWire’s curated blog/directory, constantly featuring new and exciting work released under the full spectrum of our licenses.…
Job: Metrics Engineer
by jennifer UncategorizedPhoto: Metric mania by batega / CC BY Like code and numbers? Creative Commons is working to make its websites more metrics-driven and data and reporting on CC adoption globally and within fields such as Open Educational Resources and Open Access publishing more available and regular. We’re seeking to fill a contract metrics engineer position…
Bing Maps Streetside Photos
by Jane Park UncategorizedYesterday, Bing Maps pointed out a new application—Streetside Photos—that it added to its spatial search. Streetside Photos pulls CC licensed images from Flickr to use them in a transformative way—as part of mapping tools that help you navigate the world on different visual levels. Chris at Bing Maps says it best, “So, you have all…
FMA Guest Curator: Machtdose
by cameron UncategorizedContinuing our guest curation series at the Free Music Archive is Machtdose, a German podcaster with an incredible ear for CC-licensed music. A feature in Phlow Magazine gives some welcome background on the Machtdose team, framing the influences – musically and otherwise – at work in their mix. Check it out at our Free Music…
Brooklyn Museum
by cameron UncategorizedRegarding openness and sharing, the Brooklyn Museum is an exemplary institution. They are major contributors to The Commons on Flickr, license their online image collection under a CC Attribution-NonCommerical license license, provide API access to this collection, and recently ran a CC-licensed remix contest with Blondie‘s Chris Stein. Needless to say, we were eager to…
"Python for Informatics" Open Textbook Remixed in 11 Days
by Timothy Vollmer Open EducationImage: dr-chuck / CC BY Chuck Severance, clinical professor at the University of Michigan’s School of Information, recently published a new textbook in 11 days because he was able to remix an existing textbook. The book, Python for Informatics: Exploring Information, is currently being used in his winter semester Networked Computing course. The textbook is based on…
Victorian Government Commits to CC as Default Licensing System
by michelle UncategorizedThe UK government recently made a splash with its move towards opening government data. Now CC Australia’s Jessica Coates shares a promising government initiative in her home country. The Victorian Government has become the first Australian government to commit to using Creative Commons as the default licensing system for its public sector information (PSI). Many…
Science Commons Symposium
by lisagreen EventsIn the spirit of Creative Commons Salons — global, informal events focused on bringing together the community around a central topic or focus — Science Commons will be holding a day-long event this February in Seattle. The event will aim to bring a broader understanding on the term “open” and all of its flavors…