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CC Welcomes Adoption of AIDA


CC welcomes the adoption of this comprehensive report by the AIDA special committee with strong, cross-party support.  On Tuesday, the European Parliament’s (EU) Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age (AIDA) adopted its final recommendations for a Roadmap, laying the groundwork through 2030. This Roadmap concludes that artificial intelligence (AI) has enormous technological…

CC Opposes Mandatory Copyright Filters, as Well as Using CC to Justify Them


Last Friday, United States (US) senators Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) introduced the “Strengthening Measures to Advance Rights Technologies (SMART) Copyright Act of 2022.” Their bill proposes to have the US Copyright Office mandate that all websites accepting user-uploaded material implement technologies to automatically filter that content. We’ve long believed that these kinds…

Creative Commons CEO Honored as RSE Fellow


Creative Commons CEO Catherine Stihler OBE has been elected to the Fellowship of Scotland’s national academy, the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE). The Fellowship is made up of the greatest thinkers, researchers, and practitioners working in or with Scotland today. Catherine has been an international champion for openness as a legislator and practitioner for more…

Better Internet Series: Architecture and Open Standards

Better Internet

See our article introducing this series. This article is the third of five detailing breakout sessions from the 2021 Creative Commons (CC) Global Summit about “creating a better internet.” The Summit was an opportune platform for these conversations, as it drew over 1600 attendees from over 90 countries. Attendees included organizations, activists, advocates, librarians, educators,…