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The future music label is…


Lucas Gonze, engaged in a blogversation about what music labels really are and what they can be in the future, doesn’t know, but has a suggestion for how a label might figure it out (emphasis added): Mo bettah, Mr. Hands Clustering is something labels are already doing. Blue Note is for jazz. Warp is for…

Modiba Productions


Modiba Productions is an international music production/publishing company and record label that aims to combine a love for music and a fervor for activism. Focusing primarily on ‘afrocentric’ music, Modiba has been the source for two great CC-based contests over the past year and a half, one with Malian artist Vieux Farka Touré and the…

Wikimedia Commons Valued Images, curation and discovery


I’m fond of pointing out that discovery is perhaps the biggest challenge and opportunity faced by the cultural commons — however you want to define “commons” — public domain, Free, everything CC licensed, all of “Web 2.0”, or something else. However you define it, the commons includes at least many thousands to many millions of…

LibriVox: 1500 public domain audio books


Seven months ago we noted that LibriVox released their 1,000th public domain audio book. Now they’ve reached 1,500. That’s over 70 audio books released each month, and things are picking up — they released 115 in May. Check out LibriVox, perhaps the most interesting collaborative culture project this side of Wikipedia — and everything on…

Creative Commons Salon: Brisbane


CC Australia recently announced that their second ccSalon will be held on June 24, 2008 in Brisbane: After Building an Australasian Commons conference, stay on to experience Creative Commons in action at the second Australian ccSalon. Grab a drink and watch the CC Film and Video showcase, or peruse Sydney’s Powerhouse Museum’s Photo of the…

ccMixter to the max: Request For Proposals


Late last year we started a process for moving, the remix community we launched November 2004, to an entity or person(s) that could take the community to the next (several) levels. eMXR describes ccMixter: trend setting web destination … which has become the premier on-line artist’s village for music makers from around the world,…

VIA Releases OpenBook, Opens CAD Designs under CC BY-SA 3.0


Today VIA launched their OpenBook, an innovative subnotebook platform. You can buy it now and also download the raw CAD files released under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareaAlike 3.0 license, meaning you can get the raw machine files to make whatever case or version you want, as long as you release your modifications under the…

COMMUNIA International Conference


The COMMUNIA Project is planning its First International Conference on the Public Domain in the Digital Age, in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, on Monday 30 June and Tuesday 1 July 2008. The event is co-organized by the COMMUNIA Thematic Network and the Global Information Commons for Science – EU activities (GICSI-EU). The main theme is the assessment…

Steal This Footage


“Remix, Redistribute, Rejoice” reads the emboldening tag line from the footage archive of STEAL THIS FILM II, a documentary that explores shifts in technology, distribution, and creative production. The recently released footage includes three hours of material from eleven interviews, all of which are released for your remixing pleasure under a CC BY-SA license. Not…