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European Commission adopts CC BY and CC0 for sharing information
by Timothy Vollmer Licenses & Tools, Open DataLast week the European Commission announced it has adopted CC BY 4.0 and CC0 to share published documents, including photos, videos, reports, peer-reviewed studies, and data. The Commission joins other public institutions around the world that use standard, legally interoperable tools like Creative Commons licenses and public domain tools to share a wide range of…
The freedom to listen: Rute Correia on the power of community radio
by Jennie Rose Halperin Open CultureAcademic, producer, and open culture enthusiast, Rute Correia is a Lisbon-based doctoral candidate who produces the White Market Podcast, which focuses on free culture and CC music.
A Dark Day for the Web: EU Parliament Approves Damaging Copyright Rules
by Timothy Vollmer CopyrightToday in Strasbourg, the European Parliament voted 348-274 (with 36 abstentions) to approve the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. It retains Article 13, the harmful provision that will require nearly all for-profit web platforms to get a license for every user upload or otherwise install content filters and censor content, lest they…
Los europeos deberían decirle al Parlamento que vote NO a los filtros de derechos de autor
by Jorge Gemetto CopyrightLlegó el momento decisivo para el proyecto de directiva sobre derechos de autor en el mercado único digital de la Unión Europea. Las dramáticas consecuencias negativas que traerían los filtros de carga de contenidos serían desastrosas para la visión que Creative Commons tiene como organización y comunidad global. La inclusión del Artículo 13 hace que…
Europeans should tell Parliament to vote NO to copyright filters
by Timothy Vollmer CopyrightIt’s the end of the line for the EU’s proposed Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. The dramatic negative effects of upload filters would be disastrous to the vision Creative Commons cares about as an organisation and global community. The continued inclusion of Article 13 makes the directive impossible to support as-is. Last…
CC Search: A New Vision, Strategy & Roadmap for 2019
by Jane Park TechnologyAt A Grand Re-Opening of the Public Domain at the Internet Archive, I teased a new product vision for CC Search that gets more specific than our ultimate goal of providing access to all 1.4 billion CC licensed and public domain works on the web.
Use and Fair Use: Statement on shared images in facial recognition AI
by Ryan Merkley Licenses & ToolsYesterday, NBC News published a story about IBM’s work on improving diversity in facial recognition technology and the dataset that they gathered to further this work.
Big Flickr Announcement: All CC-licensed images will be protected
by Ryan Merkley About CCI’m happy to share Flickr’s announcement today that all CC-licensed and public domain images on the platform will be protected and exempted from upload limits.
CC + Google Summer of Code 2019
by Kriti Godey TechnologyWe are proud to announce that Creative Commons has been accepted as a mentor organization for the 2019 Google Summer of Code program.
Open Education Week: 24-Hour Global CC Network Web-a-thon: 5-6 March
by Cable Green Open EducationOpen Education Week is an annual convening of the global open education movement to share ideas, new open education projects, and to raise awareness about open education and its impact on teaching and learning worldwide.