On October 23 in Guatemala City, the UFM‘s New Media Centre will host an event to celebrate the localized Guatemalan licenses, available soon online. Jimmy Wales, Creative Commons Board member, will hold the keynote address Free to choose, to create, to innovate, to learn, to imagine. CC Guatemala’s institutional host, UFM and its New Media…
Image above courtesy of Wordle For those based in Los Angeles, USC’s Institute for Multimedia Literacy is hosting a day long event, Fair Use and The Future of the Commons, next Monday (10/27) that focuses on fair use, copyright reform, and the notion of the ‘commons’. The entire lineup looks fascinating and CC’s Creative Director,…
CC founder Lawrence Lessig recently released a new book titled, Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy. The book will be his last solely devoted to the issues of copyright and in it, he aims to “map[] both a way back to the 19th century, and to the promise of the 21st”…
In the wave of free culture gatherings this October, don’t miss out on the Nordic Cultural Commons Conference 2008, in Stockholm on October 22-23, organized by the Creative Commons Nordic network. How is business created around open licensing? What benefits does the Creative Commons model provide for public broadcasting and archiving? How open licensing changes…
Dean Jansen of the Miro Project Thanks to everyone who came out to September’s CC Salon NYC, and to the wonderful TOPP for hosting us again. We had an even bigger turn out this time (perhaps because Time Out New York wrote us up), but just as much fun. Keep an eye out for December’s…
CC France is organizing the first CC Salon in Paris on October 15, 2008, in partnership with La Cantine by Silicon Sentier. At a moment where copyright laws are becoming always more restrictive, in particular in France with the HADOPI initiative, this event will give the opportunity to the Creative Commons community to reaffirm its…
Just a quick reminder that the CC Salon NYC is happening tomorrow night! The Open Planning Project has once again generously allowed us to use their loft space in the West Village for the salon and a reception afterward. September’s Salon will feature presentations from Rachel Sterne from GroundReport.com, and a special screening / premier…
Free Culture, Free Software, and Free Content will join forces under the banner of “Free Society” at FSCONS on October 24-26 at the IT University of Götheborg, Sweden. The orgnaizing trinity, Creative Commons Sweden, Free Software Foundation Europe, and Wikimedia Sverige, see FSCONS as a chance to reach out with their respective communities and build…
Earlier this month, Mike gave us a sneak preview of several not-to-be-missed conferences in Europe this October. COMMUNIA kicks off the list with its 3rd Workshop, this time held in Amsterdam on October 20-21. The Amsterdam workshop will tackle Marking the public domain: relinquishment & certification, and the CC0 beta/discussion draft 3 will be one of…
After the fantastic success of Wikipedia Takes Manhattan, Wikipedia, The Open Planning Project, Free Culture @ Columbia, Free Culture @ NYU and Creative Commons have all teamed up to organize another free culture photo scavenger hunt hunt for this Saturday, September 27th! This time we’ve really stepped up the awards. The grand prize for the…