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Category: About CC

Welcome Our Newest Staff Members!

About CC
New Staff CC (2020)

Over the past few months, we have added four new staff members to our team: Network Manager Julia Brungs; Development Manager Moumita C.; Data Engineer Brent Moran; and Open Policy Manager Brigitte Vézina. Learn more about our newest staff members below! Julia Brungs, Network Manager Prior to joining CC, Julia led the cultural heritage work…

CC Global Summit: Call for Proposals and Scholarship Applications

About CC, Events
Global Summit 2020 Design by Victoria Heath; Image by Sebastiaan ter Bur, CC BY

We’re excited to announce that the Call for Proposals and Scholarship Applications for the 2020 CC Global Summit is now open!  The 2020 CC Global Summit, held May 14-16 in Lisbon, Portugal, gathers those in the open community under the umbrella of learning, sharing, and creating; united by a passion for growing a vibrant, usable commons…

Our 4.0 License Suite Is Now Available in Simplified and Traditional Chinese

About CC
A screenshot of the CC BY traditional and simplified Chinese translation. Licensed CC BY

Creative Commons is doubly excited to announce the publication of two official Chinese language translations of version 4.0 of our license suite: Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. These translations will enable approximately 1.2 billion persons (more than 15% of the world’s population) to understand our licenses in their first language. We could not be more…

Welcoming 2020 With Gratitude

About CC
Thank you 2020

At Creative Commons, sharing and gratitude go hand in hand. We empower the sharing of knowledge and creativity, as well as celebrate the collaborative creativity and gratitude that sharing engenders. As Chair of the Creative Commons Board of Directors, I am ending 2019 with a special sense of gratitude for the CC community. This has…

How UC Berkeley Students Helped Improve CC Search

About CC
Above is a screenshot of the students’ proposed prototype for an improved CC Search. (CC BY)

Since its launch, CC Search has become more than just a search tool for CC-licensed content; it has come to exemplify the virtuous cycle of knowledge creation—where we create, collaborate, and learn from one another.  Our recent collaboration with a group of students from UC Berkeley was a true exercise in this cycle of creation…

Thank You for Translating “Made with Creative Commons”

About CC
Book cover from Made with Creative Commons.

In 2017, CC published Made with Creative Commons, a book examining 24 different business models built around CC licenses and CC-licensed content. Financially supported by more than 1600 backers on Kickstarter, the project itself is an example of how openly licensed work can be funded and how CC-licensed content can evolve over time.  After publishing…

Celebrate Public Domain Day with Events Around the World


The following is a guest post by Creative Commons community member Sebastiaan ter Burg. In January 2020 there will be events all over the world to celebrate the fact that new works have entered the public domain. The country where a work is published determines when copyright expires. For example, where I’m from in the…