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Category: About CC

REMINDER: CC Salon NYC is Tomorrow Night


Just a quick reminder that the CC Salon NYC is happening tomorrow night! The Open Planning Project has once again generously allowed us to use their loft space in the West Village for the salon and a reception afterward. September’s Salon will feature presentations from Rachel Sterne from, and a special screening / premier…

FSCONS: Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit


Free Culture, Free Software, and Free Content will join forces under the banner of “Free Society” at FSCONS on October 24-26 at the IT University of Götheborg, Sweden. The orgnaizing trinity, Creative Commons Sweden, Free Software Foundation Europe, and Wikimedia Sverige, see FSCONS as a chance to reach out with their respective communities and build…

COMMUNIA: A growing European network


Earlier this month, Mike gave us a sneak preview of several not-to-be-missed conferences in Europe this October. COMMUNIA kicks off the list with its 3rd Workshop, this time held in Amsterdam on October 20-21. The Amsterdam workshop will tackle Marking the public domain: relinquishment & certification, and the CC0 beta/discussion draft 3 will be one of…

Wikis Take Manhattan!


After the fantastic success of Wikipedia Takes Manhattan, Wikipedia, The Open Planning Project, Free Culture @ Columbia, Free Culture @ NYU and Creative Commons have all teamed up to organize another free culture photo scavenger hunt hunt for this Saturday, September 27th! This time we’ve really stepped up the awards. The grand prize for the…

Software Freedom Day 2008


Today is Software Freedom Day, a worldwide celebration of free and open source software. See our post on SFD2007. For context on Creative Commons and software freedom, see these slides on free culture and free software (pdf) (I’ll be giving an updated version of this talk at FSCONS next month), our recent post wishing happy…

December Technology Summit, Call for Presentations


Following the success of our first technology summit in June we knew we would do another one soon.  Today we’re announcing the next, which will be held in Cambridge, MA on December 12.  We’re also changing the format slightly, trying to add more talks and reduce the number of panels.  To support that we’re also…

Creative Commons Launches Study of “Noncommercial Use”

About CC

San Francisco, California, USA — September 18, 2008 The nonprofit organization Creative Commons has launched a research study that will explore differences between commercial and noncommercial uses of content, as those uses are understood among various communities and in connection with a wide variety of content. Generous support for the study has been provided by…

Creative Commons Launches Study of “Noncommercial Use”

About CC

San Francisco, California, USA — September 18, 2008 The nonprofit organization Creative Commons has launched a research study that will explore differences between commercial and noncommercial uses of content, as those uses are understood among various communities and in connection with a wide variety of content. Generous support for the study has been provided by…

Sydney Arts Management Advisory Group: "Copyleft or Copyright" Seminar


We’re not quite sure what is in the water down under, but more great news keeps piling in from our friends at CCau – on 29 September the Sydney Arts Management Advisory Group (SAMAG) are running a seminar entitled “Copyleft or Copyright: Alternative licensing models in the digital era: promotion or protection” which promises to…

Digital Fringe


Digital Fringe, a program that will be taking place during the 2008 Melbourne Film Festival, recentlly issued a call for material to screen during this year’s program. Taking place between the 9/24 – 10/12, the material will vary in form and content with DF broadcasting the submissions anywhere and everywhere – from public screens to…