Portuguese Translation of 4.0 now available
Licenses & Tools
In a unique joint translation process, community members from Creative Commons Portugal and Brazil came together to release a single Portuguese translation of the CC 4.0 license suite.
In a unique joint translation process, community members from Creative Commons Portugal and Brazil came together to release a single Portuguese translation of the CC 4.0 license suite.
The Lithuanian translation of the 4.0 CC licenses is now completed. The licenses can be viewed on the Creative Commons website.
Recently, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit ruled that a commercial copyshop may reproduce educational materials at the request of a school district that is using them under a CC BY-NC-SA license.
Over the next few months, we will be talking to users and creators of CC images, text, and data as part of updating the usability of CC tools in 2018. For our purposes, we are defining CC usability as both enhancing the experience of sharing and collaborating with CC’s current toolset, and conceiving of new…
For more than a decade, Creative Commons has developed and stewarded legal tools that give creators the opportunity to share their work on open terms.
In 1996 the European Union adopted the Database Directive, which aimed to harmonise the treatment of databases under copyright law and introduced the sui generis database right for non-original databases. Sui generis database rights are separate from copyright. They protect the “sweat of the brow” of the person who has made a substantial investment in obtaining,…
The CC 4.0 licenses are now translated into Italian The official Italian translation of the Creative Commons 4.0 Licenses and CC0 waiver is now available! Led by CC Italy, the translations also benefited from the collaboration with CC Switzerland. The working group was hosted and coordinated by the Nexa Center for Internet & Society at…
Yesterday we asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in New York for permission to file an amicus brief in litigation involving the operation of our BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
El “Tratado de Marrakech para facilitar el acceso a obras publicadas a las personas ciegas, con discapacidad visual o con otras dificultades para acceder al texto impreso”, constituye un hito en la relación entre los derechos de autor y los DD.HH., siendo el primer tratado internacional consagrado con el objetivo exclusivo de proteger los derechos de acceso a la cultura y el conocimiento.
What does open access look like for the law? Through free access to primary legal sources, the Free Law Project provides an important service to advocates, journalists, researchers, and the public. Joining with an international movement for Free Access to Law, the US-based organization helps people know their rights in an increasingly uncertain and rapidly…