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Category: Open Knowledge

Join us: Open Education Week (11-15 March)

Open Education

It is time to celebrate and spread the dream that everyone in the world can access a high quality, affordable education if we collectively share our educational resources and spend our public resources wisely! The second annual Open Education Week will take place March 11-15, 2013 (see schedule). Open Education Week is a five-day celebration…

OERu: Distinctively Open

Open Education

While mainstream attention has been focused on MOOCs, the Open Educational Resource university (OERu) has been developing a parallel education offering which is distinctively open. The OERu aims to provide free learning to all students worldwide using OER learning materials with pathways to gain credible qualifications from recognized education institutions. Like MOOCs, the OERu will…

US Department of State Unveils Open Book Project

Open Education

Department of State Seal / Public Domain Earlier today, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton unveiled the Open Book Project (remarks, project page, press notice), an initiative to expand access to free, high-quality educational materials in Arabic, with a particular focus on science and technology. These resources will be released under open licenses that allow…

Building an Innovation-Based Economy with Creative Commons

Open Education

In a paper released in conjunction with a panel discussion, the Brookings Institution identifies promising policy ideas to encourage entrepreneurship and innovative growth in the technology industry. “We need to improve knowledge transmission through faster adoption of digital textbooks, more widespread use of creative commons licenses for instructional materials developed with taxpayer dollars, and policy…

World OER Map: Will You Help Build It?

Open Education

Global Map Test / Mike Rosenberg / CC BY Here’s an exciting opportunity for the open education community. Susan D’Antoni, a long-time leader in Open Educational Resources (OER), is coordinating an important effort to map the global OER space. You can join the list by sending an email to: and typing “subscribe” in the…

The OER Policy Registry Needs Your Help

Open Education

Teaching Open Source Practices / / CC BY-SA It is an exciting time for the global open educational resources (OER) movement. In the past few months, several governments and institutions have shown their support for OER: California Passes Groundbreaking Open Textbook Legislation National ‘Digital School’ Program in Poland British Columbia Government Lends Support to…

British Columbia Government Lends Support to Open Textbooks

Open Education

Visual Notes of Honourable John Yap’s announcement at #opened12 / Giulia Forsythe / CC BY-NC-SA The government of British Columbia, Canada’s westernmost province, has announced its support for the creation of open textbooks for the 40 most popular first- and second-year courses in the province’s public post-secondary system. The texts will be available for free…

US Department of Labor Invests in Open Educational Resources

Open Education

$0: cost for reusing educational materials developed by #TAACCCT grantees thanks to @creativecommons licensing. — Hilda L. Solis (@HildaSolisDOL) September 19, 2012 In September, the Obama administration announced $500 million in grants to community colleges around the country for the development of professional training programs under the new Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and…