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Category: Uncategorized

The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age


HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory) announced a new report called, “The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age,” now available at MIT Press. The report is in response to our changing times, and addresses what traditional educational institutions must know to keep up. From the announcement, “Cathy N. Davidson and David…

Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase, round 3, announced


The next release of Ubuntu is only about 4 months away, but you have even less time to submit your best CC-licensed song, video, or photograph to be included on every Ubuntu install that goes to millions of users. The Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase is an open competition for anyone interested to submit their work.…

CC infopacks, Government 2.0 and more from CC Australia


If you’re looking for excellent, brief, printable materials explaining various aspects of Creative Commons, check out CC Australia’s CC Infopacks. They’re also linked from our documentation wiki, and all licensed for remixing with your own course or other materials (of course). Also congratulations to CC Australia project lead Brian Fitzgerald, Seb Chan, Head of Digital,…

Remix My Lit: Through The Clock Workings


Remix My Lit – a Brisbane based, international remixable literature project – just released their first publication, Through the Clock’s Workings. Billed as the world’s first remixed and remixable anthology of literature, the whole project is released under a CC BY-NC-SA license and is available as a free digital download (PDF) or as a hardcopy…

CAPL, the Culturally Authentic Pictorial Lexicon


CAPL, the Culturally Authentic Pictorial Lexicon originally founded at Washington and Jefferson College in 2003, re-launches today. From the announcement email: “CAPL is a free, online, non-commercial visual glossary comprised of authentic photos for language and cultural instruction and research. Created at Washington & Jefferson College, CAPL seeks to provide teachers and learners with high-quality…

11/17: Lulan Artisans Textile Competition


Lulan Artisans, a for-profit social venture that designs and produces high-quality, hand-woven textiles, recently launched a competition – 11˚/17˚ – to solicit community designs for Lulan’s 2010 collection. Lulan will accept submissions until October 15th and are encouraging participants to publish their work under a CC BY-NC license and additionally make them available to independent…

CC Case Studies: What are the latest?


One month in to the revamped CC Case Studies project, and you might be curious to hear how it’s going. For starters, there have been some brilliant new submissions, the most compelling of which will be included in upcoming publications and research. We’re still collecting more user-submitted studies, so hop over to our wiki and…

Night Of The Living Dead: Reanimated


Night Of The Living Dead: Reanimated is a collaborative project that takes George Romero’s cult horror classic, Night of the Living Dead and very literally reanimates the entire film. Featuring work from a huge number of artists, the project as a whole is being released under a CC BY-NC-ND license with individual artists retaining rights…

Nature's H1N1 Paper under BY-NC-SA


Nature, the international weekly journal of science just released an advanced version of a paper entitled ‘Origins and evolutionary genomics of the 2009 swine-origin H1N1 influenza A epidemic‘ under our Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike license. While this is indeed great news in and of itself, you might have noticed that the license notification didn’t quite make it…