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Category: Uncategorized

CC in The Art Newspaper


CC got a nice plug in a recent article in The Art Newspaper, highlighted in regards to the 36th Annual Conference on Legal Issues in Museum Administration that took place in early April: Sharon Farb, associate university librarian at UCLA Library in Los Angeles, said that as museums put more images and content online, more…



Musiquetes is a new collection of CC-licensed children’s songs by cultura lliure, the same group that published the amazing Música lliure and Música lliure II. The songs are released under a CC BY-NC license, ported for both France and Spain as the project is aimed at groups in both countries. Supported by La Bressola, an…

Space still available for CC Technology Summit


Just a reminder that the first Creative Commons Technology Summit is coming up in less than two weeks. There’s still space to register if you’re interested in attending. The list of panelists has grown; the full schedule is available in the wiki. We’re looking forward to great discussions around digital asset management, digital copyright registries…

Experts in Norway adapt CC licenses to national law


Today the Nordic jurisdictions Denmark, Finland, and Sweden are joined by CC Norway in offering Creative Commons licenses legally and linguistically adapted to national law. The CC Norway team is headed by Project Leads Gisle Hannemyr and Peter Lenda, who with Haakon Flage Bratsberg, Thomas Gramstad, Tore Hoel, and Vebjørn Søndersrød, coordinated the license porting…

Pamoyo: CC-Licensed Fashion


The fashion industry has always been an interesting topic for those interested in copyright and creativity – appropriation, reusue, sampling, etc. are approached in a sometimes similar, yet often starkly different, manner than in other content industries. Styles thrive off of building on pre-existing trends, sometimes directly imitating an established look, and the market decides…

The future music label is…


Lucas Gonze, engaged in a blogversation about what music labels really are and what they can be in the future, doesn’t know, but has a suggestion for how a label might figure it out (emphasis added): Mo bettah, Mr. Hands Clustering is something labels are already doing. Blue Note is for jazz. Warp is for…

Modiba Productions


Modiba Productions is an international music production/publishing company and record label that aims to combine a love for music and a fervor for activism. Focusing primarily on ‘afrocentric’ music, Modiba has been the source for two great CC-based contests over the past year and a half, one with Malian artist Vieux Farka Touré and the…

Wikimedia Commons Valued Images, curation and discovery


I’m fond of pointing out that discovery is perhaps the biggest challenge and opportunity faced by the cultural commons — however you want to define “commons” — public domain, Free, everything CC licensed, all of “Web 2.0”, or something else. However you define it, the commons includes at least many thousands to many millions of…

LibriVox: 1500 public domain audio books


Seven months ago we noted that LibriVox released their 1,000th public domain audio book. Now they’ve reached 1,500. That’s over 70 audio books released each month, and things are picking up — they released 115 in May. Check out LibriVox, perhaps the most interesting collaborative culture project this side of Wikipedia — and everything on…