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Category: Uncategorized

Making open standards as open as possible


A great announcement from the microformats community today concerning use of the CC Public Domain Dedication. Today we are changing the microformats wiki to require that all contributions be placed into the public domain. This means that any page created, or any content added to the microformats wiki from here forward is placed into the…

SCRIPT-ed Journal Licenses Content with CC


SCRIPT-ed, an open access journal covering a broad range of topics relating to law and technologies has begun to publish its content under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license. The journal, based out of the University of Edinburgh School of Law, examines issues including intellectual property, digital copyright, free expression, free software, privacy and public health.…

COMMUNIA Workshop: Technology and the Public Domain


Creative Commons’ CTO Nathan Yergler will be joining policy-makers and digital innovators at the first COMMUNIA workshop on “Technology and the Public Domain” on January 18th in Turin, Italy, to speak about the latest developments in CC metadata. The workshop, organized by Politecnico di Torino, aims at engaging in the international debate about the “digital…

Duke Scholarly Communications Weekly Copyright Widget


In addition to releasing most of their library website content under a Creative Commons license, the Duke University Libraries Scholarly Communications Office has been posting a series of helpful “Copyright Widgets.” These short, information-packed notes provide some extremely useful copyright guidance to educators, researchers and others looking for digestible clarification on some complicated legal issues.…

An Introduction to the Semantic Web … for noobs


Manu Sporny of Digital Bazaar just posted an entirely non-technical video explaining the Semantic Web. The video and all of its source material are available under a CC Attribution-ShareAlike license for sharing and remixing. Quote from the video: If you can open a web browser, you can understand the Semantic Web. CC has been using…

Citizendium says "Our gift to the world: CC-by-sa"


The Citizendium encyclopedia project today announced it had chosen to use the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license after very serious consideration of all of the options — see project founder Larry Sanger’s 22,000 word essay on the choice: In short, Sanger argues that adopting the CC-by-sa license is most in line with the project’s top goal,…

Welcome to the new world: Cho PD's track for CC Korea


Cho PD, one of the most successful professional hip-hop artists in Korea, has just released a track in collaboration with CC Korea. The song made its debut last week at CC Hope Day in Seoul. Jongeun Lee, a volunteer from CC Korea, took up Cho PD’s offer to “Remix this, go ahead,” and produced a…

One Big Thank You


This past weekend over 1000 people celebrated CC’s 5th birthday in San Francisco, Berlin, Beijing, Manila, Seoul, Belgrade, Brisbane, New York City, and Los Angeles. We are so excited that so many people came out and showed their support for the work Creative Commons has done, is doing, and will continue to do in the…

CC swag photo contest winner #4


This week’s winner of the CC swag photo contest is Tyler Stefanich. Congratulations Tyler! Since we didn’t announce a winner last week, we will be extending the contest until January 7th, which is when we will announce the last weekly winner. That way you can photograph any cool CC swag you may receive over the…