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Category: Uncategorized

LiveContent continues…


The LiveContent project lives on at Creative Commons. Over the summer, Creative Commons teamed up with Fedora and to build a LiveCD that runs open source software and showcases Creative Commons and other open content. The first iteration of the project was released at the LinuxWorld Expo in San Francisco, with the help of…

File Info panel for Adobe applications


We’re pleased to announce a user-friendly installer for our software to examine Creative Commons licensing from inside Adobe applications like Photoshop. Furthermore, the licensing metadata that you see in Photoshop is interoperable with other metadata packages in Free Software like Exempi. A week ago I took this picture of our lovely web engineer Nathan Kinkade…

Saturday is Software Freedom Day


Tomorrow, Saturday September 15, is Software Freedom Day, a “worldwide celebration of Free and Open Source Software.” Hundreds of teams around the globe will be holding local events to promote software freedom. Search for a team near you. Creative Commons supports free software and actively develops a number of free software projects. Tomorrow would be…

Mozilla 24 – this weekend!


No matter where you are in the world, you should check out the Mozilla 24 Conference this weekend. This worldwide community event will begin at 8pm PDT. The conference will be physically held in Tokyo, Paris, Thailand, and the San Francisco Bay Area. However, you can tune in to watch via the broadband video WIDE…

Your copyright metadata on a GRDDL


As of yesterday GRDDL, pronounced “griddle”, is a World Wide Web Consortium recommendation. GRDDL allows one to describe in a standard way how to map information between different XML formats. The acronym stands for “Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages”, which describes exactly what the standard facilitates. This is important to Creative Commons because…

The $2.2 trillion fair use (U.S.) economy


The Computer and Communications Industry Association has released a study claiming that the value added in the United States by industries dependent on fair use is $2.2 trillion dollars annually, or one sixth of the U.S. economy, apparently almost 70% more than than value added by copyright industries, as measured by other recent studies. From…



Creative Commons is working with Helsinki Institute for Information Technology to create Finland jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi Finland List Project Lead: Herkko Hietanen, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology. License draft. English explanation of substantive legal changes. Post a message. Subscribe to the discussion. Read the discussion archives. More about the…

Help Wikipedia help you: CC license your images


An Untapped SEO Opportunity: Image Link Love From Wikipedia suggests that web marketers should license their images under CC Attribution-ShareAlike and contribute them to Wikimedia Commons for use on Wikipedia sites. I like this advice for the obvious reason (encouraging CC licensing, especially under a liberal CC license), but the remarkable thing is that following…

Report from the Bandwidth Music/Technology Conference


A late report on Bandwidth 2007, “The “Music | Technology Conference” held in San Francisco August 17-18. I moderated “The DRM Panel”, retitled from “Mano-A-Mano: The DRM Panel”, as it seemed the panelists would largely be in agreement. This was the case. None of the panelists were tied to a hard-core anti-DRM position or a…

Science Fiction


A couple weeks old, but worth reading: Cory Doctorow excoriates Science Fiction Writers of America for issuing takedowns on his behalf, without his permission, against sites hosting his books, with permission (under CC licenses). Meanwhile, Cory blogs about another author’s science fantasy trilogy released under a CC license and is writing a column in Locus…