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Category: Uncategorized

Britannia Rules/Britianna Sucks — Mix & Mash Your View


The Creative Commons UK:England & Wales team have launched a film remix contest — “Mix & Mash” — in association with Google UK. The theme is “Britannia Rules, Britannia Sucks.” The competition invites short video submissions mixing and mashing digital content that are less than 3 minutes in length. You can only use content that…

Britannia Rules/Britianna Sucks — Mix & Mash Your View


The Creative Commons UK:England & Wales team have launched a film remix contest — “Mix & Mash” — in association with Google UK. The theme is “Britannia Rules, Britannia Sucks.” The competition invites short video submissions mixing and mashing digital content that are less than 3 minutes in length. You can only use content that…

ccMixter playlists


Check out the new playlist feature on ccMixter. Listen to Victor’s. ccHost 4.0, the GPL remix management system that runs ccMixter, will be released soon.

Vocoid & the Medly Remix Contest


Vocoid is a local San Francisco net label/collective dedicated to supporting musicians by providing space and shared promotion. Last week they announced the first ever Vocoid Remix Contest. The contest utilizes ccMixter as the platform and the raw audio from their album Medly for your mixing and mashing pleasure. Check out their website for contest…

English Translation of Second Spanish CC Decision Available


At the end of last year, we blogged about a second decision that had been handed down in Spain regarding the use of CC-licensed music. Thanks to the efforts of Thomas Margoni who works with the CC Italy team but currently has the pleasure of living in the beautiful city of Barcelona, we now have…

KRUU, open source radio


KRUU in Fairfield, Iowa is a community radio station run on open source software. Richard Poynder recently profiled the station: Moore’s use of the term “open radio” caught my attention. What, I wondered, did he mean? Amongst other things, it seems, he meant that KRUU has made a commitment to use only Open Source software.…



Netwaves is an awesome Creative Commons music program broadcast on Radio Scorpio 106FM, Belgium’s oldest independent radio station. Announcements in Dutch, interviews conducted in English, music CC-licensed, drawn from the best of the netlabel scene. Every episode is downloadable from Netwaves 13 features an interview with Lawrence Lessig. Netwaves is also producing offline events:…