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Category: Uncategorized

DJ Heaven: The Remix Hotel


This weekend in San Francisco: The Remix Hotel, a three-day “immersion in technology” and music featuring Dan the Automator (of the WIRED CD!) and hometown phenom Kid 606. I’m curious to see what some of these guests could do with the WIRED CD and will try to find out for myself.

The WIRED CD: What the Artists Think


One of the many cool aspects of the November issue of WIRED are the blurbs about each artist who contributed to the CD. In the print mag, they dot the many-page Creative Commons spread like Easter eggs. Example: Track 7: Dan the Automator/Relaxation Spa Treatment The busy brain behind groups like Deltron 3030, Dr. Octagon,…

Common Gnomes


Another goodie from the elves in the CC Geek Workshop, this time for our friends using Linux; in particular, Gnome users. The new tool, as of yet unnamed (suggestions?) adds a Creative Commons tab to the file properties of any MP3 file. For example, a track from Copy Me/Remix Me : As you can see,…

The WIRED CD: On the Air Right Now


Neal Conan, of NPR’s Talk of the Nation, is interviewing WIRED editor-in-chief Chris Anderson and Le Tigre’s Kathleen Hanna at this very moment. Tune in to NPR to catch it (88.5 in the Bay Area); you can even call into the show and sound off. One caller just now, from Waco, Texas: “I have remixed…

The WIRED CD: The Talk of the Nation


So to speak. Tune in to NPR today for a special program about the WIRED CD. Out here in the Pacific US time zone, it’s slated for 12:30pm, but you may want to check the Talk of the Nation site for airtime in your area.

Knitty releases Creative Commons licensed issue


In case you hadn’t heard, knitting’s all the rage and has been for crafty hipsters for years (last xmas I got my first knitted scarf as a gift). One of the best sources for information and patterns is Knitty. For the past two years, they have put out quarterly issues that feature about a dozen…