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Join us for ‘Ground Truth in Open Internet’ — the new Creative Commons Open Journalism Webinar Series and Training

Events, Open Journalism post

Journalism provides a crucial public service. Access to verifiable information and stories that question the underlying terrain of power is critical to democratic societies. Yet, journalism as we know it faces existential new challenges. Increasingly, journalists face work-halting financial and ethical challenges, as well as threats to their physical and digital safety, when sharing information…

The Future of Open Webinar Recap & Recording

Copyright, Events post

Earlier this year, Creative Commons announced that four working groups of the Creative Commons Copyright Platform would examine policy issues affecting the open ecosystem from a global perspective: (1) artificial intelligence and open content; (2) platform liability; (3) copyright exceptions and limitations; and (4) the ethics of open sharing.  The CC Copyright Platform was established…

Power to the people

Events, Open Science post

On Thursday 28 October 2021, Creative Commons CEO Catherine Stihler delivered a keynote at the University of St Andrews’ Power to the people: St Andrews’ journey to net-zero and the future of energy event ahead of the annual United Nations Climate Change Conference, officially known as the 26th Conference of Parties, or COP26. In her…

You can now rewatch the 2021 CC Global Summit Panel Presentations!

Events post

Last week, we released the five keynotes from CC Summit 2021. This week, we’re back with seven panel presentations from the event. Our Summit panels this year featured thought leaders, pioneers and community members who shared their insights on emerging trends and innovations in Open. Whether you missed them live or want to replay them…

The 2021 CC Global Summit Keynotes Are Here!

Events post

We have exciting news…we published the keynotes from the 2021 CC Global Summit! Alongside the 170+ sessions that took place at this year’s virtual event, we hosted five keynotes from global leaders in the open movement, who shared their work in open data, science and health, software and law. We’re excited to share these recordings…

Reflections from the 2021 CC Global Summit

Events post

1600+ attendees | 300+ presenters | 170+ sessions | 90+ countries The 2021 CC Global Summit (20-24 September) was our biggest and boldest event yet! The CC Global Summit is an annual highlight for the Creative Commons vast global network, this year being CC’s 20th anniversary and a milestone year for the Open movement more…

Meet the CC Summit Presenter: Dr. Matthew Rimmer

Events post

The 2021 CC Global Summit (September 20-24) is on the horizon, and we have another ‘Meet the CC Summit Presenter’ Q&A for you! Meet Dr. Matthew Rimmer, a Professor in Intellectual Property and Innovation Law at the Faculty of Business and Law, at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). He has published widely on copyright…

Meet the CC Summit Presenter: Arturo Sánchez Pineda

Events post

We launched the ‘Meet the CC Summit Presenter’ series to introduce the CC community to our fantastic presenters at this year’s CC Global Summit, taking place September 20-24. Next up, we sit down with Arturo Sánchez Pineda. Arturo is a Venezuelan researcher (PhD) in physics, computer science and education. He lives in Europe and develops his…