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Pet Rock Star^s

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We’ve previously featured Scott Andrew, a musician and blogger, talking about his Creative Commons licensed songs. Last year, he noticed a song by Shannon Campbell that he liked, which he began adding to, rearranging, and remxing. He emailed it to her, she liked it, and he posted it on his site (this was done before…

Common Content and Get Content launched

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The Common Content Registry of Creative Commons licensed works is now open and is filled with lots of great music, photos, educational materials, which are available for copying or re-use. If you’ve chosen a Creative Commons license for your work, you can register your work at Common Content so that others may easily find it.…

Put the Supremes on Your iPod

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Our friends at have now made it ridiculously easy to download MP3s of classic U.S. Supreme Court oral arguments for free under a Creative Commons license. Here’s a list of the first wave of Supreme Court recordings that OYEZ has embedded with license information. Download (warning: big) a few here if you like, then…

Digital Mix: A Special Bay Area Event Celebrating Illegal Art

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On July 25th the Electronic Frontier Foundation will host a night of music, art, and conversation to celebrate digital culture. Hosted at the Black Box in downtown Oakland, this all-ages event will bring up-and-coming artists of electronica, digital film, and illegal art together with leaders from the cyber-rights movement. Among the event’s speakers, Creative Commons’…

BitPass + Creative Commons

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Musicians Joshua Ellis and Big Friendly Corporation have implemented a new technology called BitPass to sell their Creative Commons-licensed content via micropayment. Joshua has offered his songs under an Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike license. If you buy a song for 50 cents, or the entire album for $3.50, you’re then free to copy, distribute, and make derivative works…

An Opsound Exchange

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You’ve got to hear this. This week’s featured content is exactly the sort of innovative co-authorship that Creative Commons, and good folks like Opsound, make possible. Colin Mutchler explains: About a month after submitting a few acoustic guitar tracks to Opsound‘s sound pool [and thus releasing the song under an Attribution-ShareAlike license], I got an…

The Pentagon Papers were less secure

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“Advanced Marketing Services, a San Diego-based distributor that expects to handle about 2 million [fortcoming Harry] Potter books between Saturday and January 2004, has hired security guards in the United States and added guard dogs for a Canadian distributor it partially owns. . . . ‘I can’t let you touch the book,’ warned Bill Carr,…

The Flipside of iTunes?

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“[B]ecause of the discrete selling and buying of music, digital single by digital single, that iTunes and its kin will foster, we can expect a decline in music bundling, and thus in risk-taking and its shy companion, innovation.” A thought-provoking piece by Sahar Akhtar in Salon today. Akhtar predicts that iTunes-like services will lead to…

Creative Commons and Negativland Begin Work on Free Sampling and Collage

About CC post

The Silicon Valley Nonprofit Also Rolls Out New Model for Community Participation Palo Alto, California, USA – May 29, 2003 – Creative Commons, a nonprofit dedicated to building a layer of reasonable copyright, announced today that it would begin development of the Sampling License, a copyright tool designed to let artists encourage the creative transformation…