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Syria Deeply: CC-Licensed News Aggregator

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In January 2009, Al Jazeera launched a pioneering initiative: the first news repository licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license. At the time, restrictions imposed by the Israeli military in Gaza prevented international news outlets from reaching the Strip and reporting from within. Al Jazeera, which had the advantage of being the only news outlet…

Creative Commons Asia Pacific Regional Meeting

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In November, representatives from CC projects in Asia Pacific nations came together in Jakarta, Indonesia. Every second year we gather in person to combine powers and plan for the future – and this time affiliates in South Korea, China Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand were hosted by CC…

School of Open: Highlights from the Class of 2012

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Class of 2012 by P2PU / CC BY-SA(See all Class of 2012 workshop participants) It’s been an exciting year for School of Open, from the P2PU residency in Berlin, to the curriculum building meeting in Palo Alto, to the various course building workshops we ran in Helsinki, London, Mexico City, Berlin, and more. Our community,…

Should Instagram Adopt CC Licensing?

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A few days ago, Ryan Singel wrote a thought-provoking piece for Wired, suggesting that users pressure Facebook — and, by extension, its recent acquisition Instagram — to adopt Creative Commons licensing options. #electricity / mkorbit / CC BY-NC-SA Creative Commons embodied an ethos of sharing that went beyond just show-and-tell. It’s been a vital part of sharing…

Next Steps: NonCommercial and NoDerivatives Discussion

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In the last few months there has been quite a bit of discussion about what CC should do with the non-free licenses. Some have called for Creative Commons to retire or otherwise change the way we offer licenses containing the NonCommercial and NoDerivatives conditions because those licenses do not create a true commons of open…

CC10: Day 10

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CC10 – dublab’s Creative Commons 10th Birthday Video Mix from dublab / CC BY-NC Ten years ago today, the first Creative Commons licenses were released. Over the past ten days, the CC community has celebrated around the world with concerts, discussions, hackathons, and parties. People in the community have put together mixtapes, created iPhone apps,…

#cc10 Featured Platform: Bad Panda Records

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Each day during CC’s tenth anniversary celebration, we’ve featured a different platform that hosts CC-licensed content, ranging from music to science to education. Today, we feature a favorite of ours, Bad Panda Records. Bad Panda is a netlabel that releases one song a week, all under CC BY-NC-SA. Bad Panda also offers CDs and LPs…

#cc10 Interview: Jonathan Worth's Connected Classroom

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Jonathan Worth As a well-known British portrait photographer, Jonathan Worth has taken photographs of hundreds of famous people. But don’t take his photography classes if you’re hoping to meet Jude Law. “I see that I am quite a commodity for a university: I’m one step away from someone who’s incredibly famous. And there’s a misguided…

CC10: Day 9

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Creative Commons Korea It’s getting hard to keep up with all of the CC10 commotion. Today, the CC community is celebrating in Muscat, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, and Seoul. Not to be outdone by the #cc10 Europe mixtape, Creative Commons Korea has created a #cc10 iPhone app featuring ten musicians who license their work under…