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Participate In Flickr User CC Licensing Study!

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Our good friend and new media sociologist Alek Tarkowski from CC Poland has been working hard to compile data for a new report on Flickr user patterns and content licensing. This’ll be a great boost for deepening our developing case study, and will go a long way to supporting our ongoing efforts to develop an…


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Shockingly, we have yet to post anything on uber-online artist community deviantArt, who not only act as a creative outlet for over 7 million users but do so with CC licensing built into their UI. Our bad. Hopefully we can make up for lost blogging through an interview with Richard Hartley, Director of Community Development…

CC in The Art Newspaper

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CC got a nice plug in a recent article in The Art Newspaper, highlighted in regards to the 36th Annual Conference on Legal Issues in Museum Administration that took place in early April: Sharon Farb, associate university librarian at UCLA Library in Los Angeles, said that as museums put more images and content online, more…

Malaysian Artistes for Unity

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pete was juggling tomatoes. bored. so he telephoned a few friends instead. “how about getting together to make an anti-racism song and music video?” all said yes without hesitation. not because pete threatened them with a rusty knife. only because they love malaysia. And so began Malaysian Artistes For Unity, a collaboration which has since…

Panel 4/18: New Media Artists and the Law

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This Friday, April 18, at 7PM CC’s Creative Director Eric Steuer will be speaking on a panel titled New Media Artists and the Law at The Kirsch Conference Center in San Jose, CA. Hosted by California Lawyers for the Arts, Eric will be joined by Emily A. Berger, Intellectual Property Fellow with Electronic Frontier Foundation,…

Creative Commons Participating in Google Summer of Code 2008

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This year Creative Commons will once again be participating in the Google Summer of Code. Summer of Code is a program generously sponsored by Google which pays college students to work on open source projects. The application period for students begins Monday, March 24 and is open through Monday, March 31 (a complete schedule is…

The Art of Magic Words

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In one of the more unconventional uses of CC-licenses we have seen, Lysse Smith Wylle’s The Art of Magic Words, a book focused on spell poetry and magickal prose, is published with an instructional spell section licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA license. From GroundMarkPress: While the first four chapters of the book are published under…

Participatory Media Lab launch with ccMixter analysis

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Giorgos Cheliotis‘ group at Singapore Management University has launched a site for their Participatory Media Lab, featuring a working paper on ccMixter reuse patterns titled Remix Culture: Creative Reuse and the Licensing of Digital Media in Online Communities (pdf) and including data and visualizations from this and earlier research on open content, previously blogged here…