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Rights Expression vs. Rights Enforcement: clarifying the Associated Press story

About CC post

The Associated Press wants to track reuse of their content through a “news registry.” This registry “will employ a microformat for news developed by AP”: The microformat will essentially encapsulate AP and member content in an informational “wrapper” that includes a digital permissions framework that lets publishers specify how their content is to be used…

Copyright tools

Uncategorized post

Last year, I blogged about the Copyright Advisory Network‘s nifty digital copyright slider, a tool that helps you tell whether a work is still copyrighted or whether it’s in the public domain. Since then, the OITP at ALA (Office for Information Technology Policy of the American Library Association) has developed and published two new tools:…

YouTube’s Glenn Otis Brown Returns to Creative Commons as Board Member

About CC post

San Francisco, CA, USA – July 24, 2009 Creative Commons, a global nonprofit focused on the growth and preservation of openly shareable and reusable culture, science, and education, officially announced today that Glenn Otis Brown has rejoined the organization as a member of its board of directors. Brown was CC’s executive director from 2002-2005 and…

The Reality of Professional Photography on Wikipedia

About CC post

Noam Cohen’s piece in the New York Times over the weekend highlighted some of the issues surrounding photography on Wikipedia: At a time when celebrities typically employ a team of professionals to control their images, Wikipedia is a place where chaos rules. Few high-quality photographs, particularly of celebrities, make it onto this site. This is…

Terms of Use


Creative Commons Master Terms of Use Effective as of 26 August 2020 1. General Information Regarding These Terms of Use Master terms: Welcome, and thank you for your interest in Creative Commons (“Creative Commons,” “CC,” “we,” “our,” or “us”). Unless otherwise noted on a particular site or service, these master terms of use (“Master Terms”)…

Privacy Policy (pre 2009-07-23)


This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) explains the collection, use, and disclosure of “personal information” by Creative Commons Corporation (“CC” or “Creative Commons”), a Massachusetts Corporation, with its principal place of business at 171 Second St, Suite 300, San Francisco, 94150, USA, through the websites that Creative Commons operates at (the “ccNet Website”),, and…

Kenzo Digital

Open Culture post

Kenzo Digital is New York-based multi-talented creator that works in video, audio, and mixed media to create both artistic works and commercial products. Aesthetically informed by early 90s hip-hop, his latest and most well-publicized work, City of God’s Son, is a CC-licensed “opera for the blind.” The project finds Kenzo sampling and remixing numerous sources…