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Cloud Commons

About CC post

Creative Commons licensing has been highlighted in a couple prominent discussions of “cloud computing” documents recently. Last week Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz wrote about Sun’s cloud computing strategy: Second, we announced the API’s and file formats for Sun’s Cloud will all be open, delivered under a Creative Commons License. That means developers can freely stitch…

The Magnes Collection

Open Culture post

The Judah L. Magnes museum is a museum of art and history focused on the Jewish experience located in Berkeley, California. Since late 2007 the museum has been posting their digital assets both on their website and on their Flickr account. On Flickr, all of the high resolution images are licensed under our Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license.…

In LA Tonight: Into Infinity at REDCAT

Events, Open Culture post

If you’re in Los Angeles tonight, please stop by REDCAT (631 W 2nd St, LA, CA 90012) for an installation of Into Infinity – the CC-licensed art and music project that explores the infinite possibilities of recombination and reuse. Dublab is producing tonight’s event, which will include collage projections of Into Infinity’s visual art and…

Ada Lovelace Day: Pamela Samuelson

About CC post

Today (March 24) is Ada Lovelace Day: Ada Lovelace Day is an international day of blogging to draw attention to women excelling in technology. Women’s contributions often go unacknowledged, their innovations seldom mentioned, their faces rarely recognised. We want you to tell the world about these unsung heroines. Entrepreneurs, innovators, sysadmins, programmers, designers, games developers,…

Open Ed Conference 2009 – Call for Proposals

Uncategorized post

It’s that time of year again! That is, time for planning the line-up for Open Ed 2009, the annual, international Open Education Conference, hosted this year by the University of British Columbia in breathtaking Vancouver, Canada. From the conference website (OpenEd 2009: Crossing the Chasm): “The field of “open education” is in its second decade.…

Open Everything is April 18th in NYC

Events post

via John Britton’s blog: Open Everything NYC will take place on Saturday 18 April 2009 at the UNICEF headquarters in the United Nations Plaza, NYC. The event will run the full day, registration will open at 8:00AM and things will be in full swing by 9:00AM. The event will be 100% free and open to… Following's Lead

Open Culture post is the site that provides US citizens with the the ability to monitor the progress of the country’s recovery via the The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. As with, the Obama administration is presciently using our Attribution license 3.0 for all third party content on the site, while all of the original content…

Netlabel Concert Cycle in Santiago: Noa Noa 2.0

Events, Open Culture post

Noa Noa 2.0 is an upcoming concert cycle for Chilean netlabels, organized by CC Chile‘s host institution, ONG Derechos Digitales, with support from the National Music Fund. This March through August, top netlabel musicians will take to the stage for free concerts in Santiago’s Bar Constitucion. All of the performances will be professionally recorded and…