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Health OER Student Team at UMich

Uncategorized post

When it comes to the open educational resources world, we all know that the University of Michigan is a pretty hopping place to be, what with Molly Kleinman as their copyright specialist and their Attribution-only (CC BY) licensed OER repository. Since they pop up pretty regularly in our blogosphere, I didn’t want March to pass…

Copyright Exceptions and Limitations in OER

Open Education post

For those of you interested in knowing how Copyright Exceptions and Limitations (known as Fair Use in the US) might affect open educational resources, there will be a working session on CEL at OCWC Global 2009 in Monterrey, Mexico next month. OCWC Global 2009 is the OpenCourseWare Consortium’s first international conference of its kind. The…

ccSalon SF 4/15/09

Events post

At April’s CC Salon SF, we will hear from three presenters showcasing their innovative international ventures and discussing how CC licenses can be used in international projects to facilitate content sharing and connectivity across borders: * Miquel Hudin Balsa, Co-Founder of Maneno, a blogging and communication platform built to meet the needs of the Sub-Saharan…

Mozilla and CC to teach online seminar on open education

Open Education post

ccLearn is collaborating with the Peer 2 Peer University and Mozilla to teach practical open education skills to educators and anyone else who is interested. From the announcement on the course wiki: “This six week course is targeted at educators who will gain basic skills in open licensing, open technology, and open pedagogy; work on…

NIH Open Access mandate made permanent

About CC, Open Culture post

Over on the Science Commons blog, Thinh writes: The NIH Public Access Policy, which was due to expire this year, has now been made permanent by the 2009 Consolidated Appropriations Act, signed into law last week. Last year, Science Commons, SPARC, and ARL jointly released a White Paper authored by our board member Mike Carroll…

Libre Planet and Libre Graphics

Events post

This coming weekend (March 21-22) in Cambridge, Massachusetts the Free Software Foundation is holding its annual meeting, dubbed the Libre Planet Conference. Many of CC’s best friends and supporters will be there, as will CC staff Asheesh Laroia and I. If you aren’t familiar with the significance of the free software movement to free culture,…

Flexbooks in beta

Uncategorized post

Today marks the beginning of the second half of the month, and with it, the Ides of March are safely behind us. What else is behind us: the beta launches of several Flexbooks, aka the CK-12 Foundation‘s version of open source textbooks. The most notable Flexbook is the one we mentioned last fall—notable because of…

Creative Commons CTO speaking at Open Access Week

Events post

Open Access Week at the University of Michigan is “a week-long, campus-wide exploration of Open Access.” And a discussion sponsored by the Michigan Library on this topic couldn’t come at a better time; libraries are facing tough economic situations and the current political discourse around copyright and open access needs to be addressed. Featured Commoner…

Firefox 3.1beta3 and open web multimedia

Open Culture, Technology post

The third beta of the next version of the Firefox web browser is now available for download. For the approximately half of you reading this in a Firefox browser, the next version of Firefox will be (because the beta already is) much faster and more awesome all around (and will be released as version 3.5…

Open Video Conference Call for Proposals

Events post

The Open Video Conference taking place on June 19th and 20th in NYC has published its call for proposals: The conference is a co-production of the Yale Law School Information Society Project, the Participatory Culture Foundation, Kaltura, and iCommons. The conference will feature talks from internet luminaries, panels and discussions, screenings of video art, and…