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Thank you and Happy New Year!

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Cheers to an incredible 2015. With your support, creators around the world have now shared over 1.1 billion, including NASA’s iconic images, educational materials in every subject, scientific research, government open data, 3D models, and more. Thank you! And as we head into 2016 and beyond, there is much more to do. We’re thrilled to…

TPP details


Trans-Pacific Partnership would harm user rights and the Commons 16 November 2015 The final text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has been released. The gigantic agreement contains sweeping provisions regarding environmental regulation, pharmaceutical procurement, intellectual property, labor standards, food safety, and many other things. Over the last five years, it has been developed and negotiated…

Read the story of Bassel Khartabil, Syrian prisoner who lives and risks dying for a free Internet

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The original article was written by Stéphanie Vidal in It has since been published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Please attribute author Stéphanie Vidal and as the place of first publication by linking to the original article. The following has been translated into English by Philippe Aigrain, Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay,…

Supporting user rights for mass digitization of culture

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Assignments of copyrights photostat copies by mollyali, CC BY-NC 2.0 A few months ago the United States Copyright Office issued a request for comments on an extended collective licensing (ECL) pilot program they are considering for mass digitization projects. The Office thinks that such a program would permit greater access to cultural works by allowing…

CC BY-SA 4.0 now one-way compatible with GPLv3

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The declaration increases interoperability of the commons for games, hardware designs, and more In January we officially opened a public consultation (blog post) on CC BY-SA 4.0 unilateral compatibility with GPLv3, in accordance with our ShareAlike compatibility process and criteria. Following additional months of detailed analysis, discussion and deliberation with the Free Software Foundation and…

Made with Creative Commons


This video is licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0. Screenshots used pursuant to fair use. Photo credits: Indexfinger, by Kristina Alexanderson, on Flickr, CC BY 2.0 I Love to Share by CC HQ, on Flickr, CC BY 2.0 Haier Share Your Ideas, by Nan Palmero, on Flickr, CC BY 2.0 Cory Doctorow by Joi Ito, on Flickr, CC BY 2.0 CC Summit 2011 Warsaw, by Kristina Alexanderson, on…

Will the European Parliament criminalize street photography?

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Tower Bridge view at dawn, by Colin, CC BY-SA Tower Bridge view at dawn. Modified to censor buildings that require Freedom of Panorama, by Colin, CC BY-SA Over the last several months, Creative Commons has been following the review of the European Union copyright directive. One issue that has remained contentious is freedom of panorama.…

Why CC is making a mobile app

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Today we’re pushing the latest beta release of our mobile app, The List powered by Creative Commons. It’s a mobile photography app that invites users to create a list of images they want, or submit photos to help a person or group who created a list. Every image is uploaded to the archive with a…