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CC Guatemala: "Free to Choose, To Create, To Innovate, To Learn, To Imagine"

About CC post

[Text in English and Spanish] Guatemala City, Guatemala and Berlin, Germany On October 23 in Guatemala City, the University Francisco Marroquin will host an event to celebrate the localized Creative Commons licenses in Guatemala. Jimmy Wales, Creative Commons Board member, will hold the keynote address “Free to choose, to create, to innovate, to learn, to…

Severed Fifth

Open Culture post

Written, performed, recorded and produced entirely by Jono Bacon, the album touches a range of political and social topics, driven by a brutal, thundering style with pounding double bass drumming, grinding guitars and guttural vocals. The album was recorded in Jono’s home studio in central England and combines a range of styles. Pre-release listening sessions…

Trailer for "RiP: A Remix Manifesto" Released

Open Culture post

The new trailer for RiP: A Remix Manifesto – the Girl Talk featuring, community edited documentary that focuses on copyright and remix culture – was posted online recently and looks to be coming along excellently. The trailer features clips with Greg Gillis, Cory Doctorow, Lawrence Lessig, and a slew of other big names in the…

Commoner Letter #1: Eben Moglen

Copyright post

Last year we started a new campaign tradition — the Commoner Letter series. As I’ve said before, and will definitely say again, the campaign is about building support — rallying our community members around the importance of supporting Creative Commons and the openness our tools help enable. Over the next three months, five prominent members…

Safe Creative wants to double your donation

Copyright post

Last Wednesday we launched the 2008 fundraising campaign, with the goal of raising $500,000 by the end of the year. I know — times are hard and that’s a lot of money. So, in order to give you more “bang for your buck,” so to speak, we’ve teamed up with Safe Creative to give you…

An Interview with Frances Pinter of Bloomsbury Academic

Open Science post

Recently, we had a chance to speak with Frances Pinter, Publisher of Bloomsbury Academic, a new imprint launched by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc last month. Frances has been in the publishing industry since she was 23, when she started her own academic publishing house, Pinter Publishers. She comes to Bloomsbury Academic as the former Publishing Director…

CC Network and Interoperable Copyright Registry Exploration

Copyright post

Yesterday we launched The Creative Commons Network as part of our annual campaign. On the surface the CC Network is simple: it acts as a premium for supporting Creative Commons and gives supporters a way to tell the world that they support CC and Free Culture. But it’s also designed as a platform for exploring digital…

RDFa now a W3C recommendation; message from Hal Abelson

Technology post

Yesterday RDFa, a technical standard Creative Commons has championed at the World Wide Web Consortium for five years, was made a W3C Recommendation — a standard for the web to build upon. CC founding board member and MIT computer science professor Hal Abelson sends this message: Dear Staff and Board, I’m writing with some great…

Help us build a shared culture: CC's annual fundraising campaign launched

Copyright post

Creative Commons has now officially launched its 2008 fundraising effort – our Build the Commons Campaign. Many skeptics think this is a precarious time to launch our major fundraising initiative; we disagree. This is an opportunity. An opportunity to call our community members to action – to help us make sure that the Commons continues…

Jesse Dylan's “A Shared Culture” Video Released to Celebrate Creative Commons 2008 Fundraising Campaign

About CC post

Creative Commons, a nonprofit organization focused on building a body of openly shareable and reusable creative work, today announced the launch of its 2008 fundraising campaign. Information about how to support Creative Commons is available at To celebrate the campaign, Creative Commons today released “A Shared Culture,” a short video by renowned filmmaker Jesse…