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Agrega, the New Educational Digital Object Platform

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Agrega, a new educational initiative promoting internet in the classroom, is a collaborative effort on the part  of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Social Politics and Sports,, the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, and the Autonomous Communities and Autonomous Cities of Spain (CC.AA). Agrega is Spain’s new educational digital object platform, “which consists…

Australian Version 3.0 drafts in public discussion

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In preparation for the Building an Australasian Commons conference next week, the CC Australia team has released two ported Version 3.0 license drafts for public discussion: Attribution (BY) and Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (BY-NC-SA). CC Australia is focusing the discussion on these two particular licenses because they are 1) the simplest license (BY) and 2) the most complex…

The Spirit of Sharing in Jordan

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Jordan has long been a geographical area where Creative Commons has looked to expand (you can read about our Jordan-specific jurisdiction work here) – as such, recent news about the promotion of CC, the public domain, and an increased spirit of sharing in Jordan is inspiring. Two UK artists, Eileen Simpson and Ben White of…

Copyfighting Superhero Brian Rowe Invades CC

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Between twittering, blogging, founding copyfighting organizations, starting free culture chapters, and attending law school, frothing open source advocate Brian Rowe has moved his headquarters to CC’s San Francisco office to hone his legal research skillz. He will spend the summer crawling through the muck of works with multiple licenses for different resolutions, slicing through commercial…

C-Shirt: T-Shirts, But Way Cooler With CC

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Came across this awesome business that’s been building up traction in Japan called C-shirt — powered by media-wiki company Nota that leverages Creative Commons licensing in a pretty unconventional way. At first glance, it might seem like one of the innumerable t-shirt vendor sites out there — but it is, in fact, way, way cooler.…

Announcing the Health Commons

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Over on the Science Commons blog, Donna Wentworth writes: People make chairs more productively, hamburgers more productively, cars more productively, everything else in the world except medicines. — Aled Edwards, Director and CEO of the Structural Genomics Consortium (via CBC News Canada) The drug discovery process is badly broken. Despite the scientific and technological advances…

Czech Republic

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Creative Commons is working with Iuridicum remedium, the National Library in the Czech Republic, and the Union of Independent Authors to create Czech jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi Czech List Public Project Lead:  Lukáš Gruber, National Library of the Czech Republic Legal Project Lead: Petr Jansa and Marek Tichy, Iuridicum Remedium…


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CC Australia List Creative Commons is working with Queensland University of Technology (QUT) to create Australia jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. Project Lead: Tom Cochrane (Deputy Vice Chancellor QUT) and Professor Brian Fitzgerald Head of Law School (QUT) Team Members: Jessica Coates (Project Manager), Elliott Bledsoe, Rachel Cobcroft, Nic Suzor License Draft…

Local Intern Gets Job, Blogs About Himself

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Along with the rest of the interns that descended on CC San Francisco offices a few days ago I’ve been requested to do one post introducing myself to the world before getting fully underway at the blog. So, without further ado… Hi! I’m Tim Hwang. I got involved in IP freedom and tech policy issues…