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CC Australia List Creative Commons is working with Queensland University of Technology (QUT) to create Australia jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. Project Lead: Tom Cochrane (Deputy Vice Chancellor QUT) and Professor Brian Fitzgerald Head of Law School (QUT) Team Members: Jessica Coates (Project Manager), Elliott Bledsoe, Rachel Cobcroft, Nic Suzor License Draft…


Uncategorized post

Lingro is a project that aims to create an online environment that will allow anyone, in reading a foreign language website, a quick and easy means to translate words they don’t understand. Simple in concept, yet profound in implication, Lingro (which we have blogged about twice before) uses open dictionaries and user-submitted, CC BY-SA licensed,…

Uncategorized post is a new website that aims to create an easily accessible database of simple ways to make your everyday choices more environmentally friendly. This is accomplished through a listing of broad categories – appliances, personal care, clothing, etc. – with a variety of sub-categories – air-conditioning, face wash, shoes, etc. – that contain professional…

National Cancer Institute to use Tranche Network to share data

Uncategorized post

From the Science Commons blog … “The National Cancer Institute will soon be using Tranche to store and share mouse proteomic data from its Mouse Proteomic Technologies Initiative (MPTI). Tranche, a free and open source file sharing tool for scientific data, was one of the earliest testers of CC0. Many thanks to Tranche for providing…


Uncategorized post

LegalTorrents, “an online community created to discover and distribute Creative Commons licensed digital media”, has re-launched in exciting fashion. Originally founded in 2003 as a means to distribute “hand-picked .torrent files that were approved by content owners“, LegalTorrents revamped its infrastructure to be more friendly to content creators looking to spread their works far and…

ccLearn—Features in Open Education

Open Education post

Lately, a virtual whirlwind of projects and people and organizations have blown our way, and we don’t expect the dust to settle any time soon. To keep track of some of the progress and collaboration within open education, we’ve started to host bi-monthly features ranging from individual interviews to project spotlights. We hope to open…

CC0 beta/discussion draft 2

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Back in December we announced the CC0 project, which encompassed two tools. First, a waiver of all copyright and neighboring rights in a work, to the extent permitted by law. Second, an assertion that a work is not under copyright or neighboring rights. We were (and are) basically taking our existing public domain dedication and…

Shinsei Bank's Methods to be Released as Open Courseware

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Joi Ito blogged yesterday about Shinsei Bank’s plans to release their methods as open courseware in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. Shinsei Bank is one of Japan’s great success stories in terms of its innovative approach to business; it was this approach, an adaptation of existing industrial engineering methods to the “design…