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Community Testing for LiveContent 2.0 beta LiveDVD

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A beta of LiveContent 2.0 is available for testing! We’ve got it up at the CC labs site (direct download) and the Fedora Spins site (torrent). Burn the DVD image to a disc and boot it up. The Creative Commons tech team has been working on an interesting content “autocuration” process for LiveContent 2.0, which…

CC0 beta/discussion draft launch

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CC0 is a Creative Commons project designed to promote and protect the public domain by 1) enabling authors to easily waive their copyrights in particular works and to communicate that waiver to others, and 2) providing a means by which any person can assert that there are no copyrights in a particular work, in a…

More CC Cinema 2.0

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Following up on today’s post on a short about “Cinema 2.0”, made with presumably Cinema 2.0 techniques … more links on CC Cinema 2.0 and nearby. The A Swarm of Angels collaborative film project is moving into its third phase, advanced development. The folks behind ASoW have also posted their ideas on 7 rules for…

Duke Scholarly Communications Weekly Copyright Widget

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In addition to releasing most of their library website content under a Creative Commons license, the Duke University Libraries Scholarly Communications Office has been posting a series of helpful “Copyright Widgets.” These short, information-packed notes provide some extremely useful copyright guidance to educators, researchers and others looking for digestible clarification on some complicated legal issues.…

New Comic! Sharing Creative Works

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We are happy to announce the publication of our brand new comic, Sharing Creative Works: An Illustrated Primer. We hope this piece will serve as a friendly and easy-to-understand overview of copyright and CC licensing. This way, the next time someone asks you to explain Creative Commons and you’re not sure where to begin, you…

Heaps of Positive Coverage for CC Licenses on German TV

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We just ran a post about the German public broadcaster NDR, who recently announced it will release segments from some of its programs under a CC license. But the flood of positive feedback and media coverage has prompted us to write another article pointing to a few of the gems (mostly in German): The TV… Addin Updated

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The response to the release of our Addin last week was great. We had several bug reports, and lots of constructive feedback. I’ve just released an update, version 0.6.1 (download, changes). This version fixes a couple of bugs which caused to crash, as well as storing the license metadata in a more logical…

Wake Up and Save the Music!

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The netlabel music scene is booming. These ultra-wired record labels focus on the online distribution of digital audio files, which in most cases, are released under Creative Commons licenses. This means that, in the netaudio world, artists often retain their copyright, producers can offer free downloads for promotion, and fans can hear the music when…

Spread the word: Support Creative Commons 2007

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Last week we launched the Creative Commons annual fall fundraising campaign. Goal: US$500,000. We also launched a redesigned site (more on that below) and now have matching campaign buttons: Get one for your site or blog! As you might guess from the buttons above, a map theme runs throughout the campaign, including on the…

CC, UGC platform integration and customer acquisition

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Denise Howell writing at ZDNet has a nice report on IP and the user generated economy at TechCrunch40 about new collaboration services that have affordances for CC licenses, and some that should: The clips forming the foundation of musicshake creations are all licensed, and the company plans to let users sell their creations, keeping some…