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Mozilla is 10 years old

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We’re a day late toasting Mozilla’s 10th anniversary. Their efforts to ensure and enhance openness, innovation, and opportunity on the web are deeply congruent with CC’s mission. Thanks to Mozilla and all contributors to Mozilla for their support of CC in various forms. And yeah, thanks for the awesome browser that I’m typing this into…

Summer of Code Deadline Extended

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If you delayed applying to Summer of Code this year, you’re in luck — Google has revised the timeline. Student applications are now due by Tuesday, April 8, 2008 at 0:00 UTC. If you have an idea for a Creative Commons related project, feel free to ask for feedback on IRC or the cc-devel email…

CC Press Kit Relaunched

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We are pleased to announce a brand new Press Kit page. Based on user requests and feedback, we have completely redesigned it to make it easier for you to find and use specific CC graphics. As before, all graphics are available in various formats for any purpose, including large format transparent PNGs — which work…

CC's Role in Open Access at Otago Polytechnic

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As an advocate of open education, ccLearn supports openness across a variety of fields, and, generally speaking, we would prefer to see things as openly licensed as possible. That’s why when we stumbled across this interview with Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand, we were delighted to find this quote about the role of Creative Commons…

Sir John Daniel comments on open education

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Carnegie Mellon University hosted a symposium last week titled, Opening Learning Interplay, focused on the relationship of learning sciences and open education. At a reception towards the end of the symposium, those of us who were present were treated to an excellent speech by Sir John Daniel, President and CEO of the Commonwealth of Learning…

CC Salon Belgrade: Festival of Free Culture

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CC Serbia will be hosting the first CC Salon in Belgrade on March 7th – 10th. The program features many fantastic local projects, including CCBit, the first Creative Commons-licensed music CD compilation in Serbia, and Freedom Toaster, a device/interface for individual file-sharing in public spaces. The CC Salon Belgrade also welcomes guest speakers from Brazil,…

Download Sharing Creative Works

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A PDF of Sharing Creative Works, the latest CC comic book, is now available for download. This new format is easier to read and share than the wiki version we published a couple months ago, and is ready to print. Sharing Creative Works is a colorful, easy-to-understand introduction to some of the abstract concepts behind…

Introducing the new ccLearn website

Open Education post

ccLearn, the educational division of Creative Commons, was launched in Fall, 2007. Since then, we have been very busy setting priorities and managing a few key projects, such as the (Open) Education Search project and helping with the Cape Town Open Education Declaration. In the meantime, we have been putting together plans and materials for…