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Tratado de livre comércio União Europeia-Mercosul prejudicaria os direitos dos usuários e o conjunto de bens comuns (commons)

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Hoje, a Creative Commons publicou uma análise do projeto de capítulo de propriedade intelectual do acordo de livre comércio entre a União Europeia e o Mercosul, que abarca diversos aspectos vinculados a direitos de autor e direitos conexos. Nós examinamos questões que seriam prejudiciais ao domínio público, à criatividade e ao compartilhamento, e envolvendo os…

El tratado de libre comercio Unión Europea-Mercosur dañará los comunes y los derechos de los usuarios

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Hoy Creative Commons publicó un análisis del borrador del capítulo de propiedad intelectual del acuerdo de libre comercio entre la Unión Europea y el Mercosur, que abarca varios aspectos vinculados al derecho de autor. Examinamos cuestiones que irían en detrimento del dominio público y serían perjudiciales para la creatividad, el intercambio y para los derechos…

EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement Would Harm User Rights and the Commons

Copyright post

Today Creative Commons published a policy analysis covering several copyright-related issues presented in the draft intellectual property chapter of EU-Mercosur free trade agreement. We examine issues that would be detrimental to the public domain, creativity and sharing, and user rights in the digital age. [The policy paper is also available in Spanish and Portuguese.]  The European…

EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement Would Harm User Rights and the Commons


September 2017 PDF version The European Union (EU) and the Latin American sub-regional bloc consisting of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay (Mercosur) have been negotiating a free trade agreement (FTA) since 2000. The FTA is expansive, addressing trade in industrial and agricultural goods, potential changes to rules governing small- and medium-sized businesses as well as…

Should copyright law deny creators the right to share freely? Let the authors choose.

Copyright post

Imposing a mandatory and unwaivable compensation scheme violates the letter and spirit of open licensing. Copyright policymakers in Europe and South America have proposed legislation that would impose an unwaivable right to financial remuneration for authors and performers on copyrighted works. The laws attempt to ensure that creators receive payment for their work, but they…