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The Usable Commons at the CC Summit

Events post

  The Usable Commons track at the CC summit contains an exciting array of sessions that explore how to make the digital commons more discoverable, usable, and human-centered. In content communities such as 3D printing, research, and social media, we will focus on key questions of human behavior, including: What motivates people to share online?…

Are you really CC Savvy?


Test what you’ve learned by explaining CC to your friends. Exercise You’ve had some time to explore Creative Commons licensing and see what it’s all about. Now for the real test: pick one lucky friend, family member or colleague and try explaining CC licenses to them. Think about how that particular person might relate as…

The Right License for the Job


Learn to recognize factors that may affect the choice of license. Overview Choosing the right CC license for a work can be a deliberative and thought-provoking process, but it doesn’t have to be. We describe license-choosing in more detail below, but if you want to pick one quickly, Creative Commons has a simple tool for…