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New Yorker on the tricky nature of copyright

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There’s a great (long) New Yorker piece this week covering the world of plagarism, copyright, and sampling. In it, Malcolm Gladwell recounts the story of an earlier article that ended up in a hit Broadway play and how in the end, he didn’t feel cheated but instead felt the playwright had created a new work…

NPR on political copyright

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Today, NPR’s Morning Edition covered the difficulty in getting public domain speeches by politicans earlier today. Even though a speech is likely in the public domain, recordings by TV Networks retain copyright. It’s a sticky point Creative Commons Chairman and co-founder Lawrence Lessig also argued in a WIRED article a few months ago. [via 90%…

Recent Press — LA Times and SJ Mercury

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Two great articles about Creative Commons recently came out in the press. A story in the Los Angeles Times by John Healey, details how the most recent release of Morpheus, the popular file-sharing network, is able to identify MP3 files marked with Creative Commons licenses (registration required). Yesterday, Dawn C. Chmielewski wrote a story on…

Should I Rip This?

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This flow chart might come in handy the next time you face that insanely complex modern ehtical dilemma: whether to rip a CD or not. (Or, you can just look for a little (cc) Some Rights Reserved and skip all this fuss.) (Via Serendipity.)

Minnesota (Land of My Favorite Rockers)

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Prince. Bob Dylan. Husker Du. The Replacements. Tomorrow morning I head out for Minnesota to give a presentation on Creative Commons at the 32nd annual Museum Computer Network/Minerva Conference — though I’ll be focusing on copyright in the visual arts, not music. (I’ll manage to work The Purple One or The Bard-Turned-Lingerie-Spokesman into the lecture…

Billboard Awards

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As you know, the WIRED CD was recently nominated for a Billboard Digital Entertainment Award in the category of “best use of technology by a music label.” Neeru and I joined our WIRED counterparts this weekend in Los Angeles to attend the awards ceremony, where we learned that the CD did not take home the…

The WIRED CD: The Calcutta Telegraph

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A very nice article on the WIRED CD by Subhajit Banerjee in The Telegraph of Culcutta, India. Can new-age music piracy be curbed by a good old fashioned crackdown? There are stirrings that suggest the way music is shared is about to undergo a drastic change, thanks to the open approach.