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A new site called P2P Politics is now live. The site enables anyone to select from a menu of video clips the ones that best express their view of the U.S. presidential elections, and then email links to those clips, along with a personalized message, to friends, family, and colleagues. It is like a cross…

New Website Puts 2004 Campaign Media in the People's Hands

About CC post lets friends and colleagues share political videos with just a click, thanks to Creative Commons copyright licensing SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA —October 17, 2004—A new people-to-people website,, today announced a free service for sharing political expression online. The site enables anyone to select from a menu of video clips the ones that best…

Creative Commons in Canada and Spain

About CC post

OPEN COPYRIGHT LICENSES OFFERED IN CANADA AND SPAIN Creative Commons introduces its innovative copyright licenses to Canada and Spain; free legal tools available in two languages in each country San Francisco, USA; Ottawa, Canada; and Barcelona, Spain — Oct. 11, 2004 — Creative Commons, a non-profit organization that provides an alternative to full copyright, recently…

Prickly Paradigm Press Releases its Backlist under a Creative Commons License

About CC post

PRICKLY PARADIGM PRESS RELEASES ITS BACKLIST UNDER A CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSE Tradition of pamphleteering is reincarnated online with release of scholarly pamphlets under “some rights reserved” copyright licenses San Francisco, CA and Chicago, IL, USA — October 13, 2004 — Prickly Paradigm Press (, a pamphlet-publishing press distributed by the University of Chicago Press, this…

Associated Press on Creative Commons

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The AP has a very nice article on recent developments at Creative Commons. Getting rights OK’d can be frustrating for artists, be they authors seeking to quote an essay or documentary filmmakers who’ve got snippets of pop songs playing in the background of key scenes. Artists and scholars who believe the current copyright system unduly…

Creative Commons, eh!

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Bodies packed Bar 56 in Ottawa’s Byward Market last week for the launch of the first Canadian version of a Creative Commons license. Hosted by the University of Ottawa’s Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC) and the Law & Technology Program, the event unfurled the CC banner to a jubilant crowd eager to…

Mashing is so easy

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This week in San Francisco, there’s an interesting conference being held called Web 2.0. In a week of panel discussions, the future of the internet is being charted among technology and industry leaders. Jeff Veen recalls a discussion of copyright among music industry folks including famous mash-up artist DJ Dangermouse. After a lot of hand-wringing…

Barcelona in Creative Commons mode

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The University of Barcelona hosted a great conference last Friday in their beautiful Aula Magna to celebrate the launch of the Spanish CC licenses – also available in a Catalan version. Spanish project lead Ignasi Labastida i Juan had arranged for authorities from the regional government as well as from academia to present their take…

Now Human-Readable in Many Languages

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Due to overwhelming demand, and thanks to the work of our international project leads and tech crew, the summaries of our licenses are now available in nine different languages. Note how this is different from the iCommons process, which involves translating and adapting the licenses themselves (the lawyer-readable part of things) to various languages and…