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Common Gnomes

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Another goodie from the elves in the CC Geek Workshop, this time for our friends using Linux; in particular, Gnome users. The new tool, as of yet unnamed (suggestions?) adds a Creative Commons tab to the file properties of any MP3 file. For example, a track from Copy Me/Remix Me : As you can see,…

Knitty releases Creative Commons licensed issue

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In case you hadn’t heard, knitting’s all the rage and has been for crafty hipsters for years (last xmas I got my first knitted scarf as a gift). One of the best sources for information and patterns is Knitty. For the past two years, they have put out quarterly issues that feature about a dozen…

To Do Before Listening to WIRED CD: The Creative Remix

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If you missed the Creative Remix radio show this Sunday in San Francisco, you can still catch it online. Wow your friends with insight gleaned from Ben Walker’s look at the artistic remix through the ages — from ancient Greek poetry to modern historial fiction to aesthetic Nintendo hacks. Such insight might come in particularly…

Remix Radio Show This Sunday in San Francisco!

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At 2pm this Sunday on the Bay Area’s KALW (91.7), Benjamen Walker’s “The Creative Remix” will debut on the airwaves. The main point of the show: “If remixing is an art form why are the lawyers running the conversation?” Follow Ben, whose insight and sense of humor have drawn him a cult radio following, as…

Neal Stephenson on Creative Commons

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There’s a great (long) interview with sci-fi novelist Neal Stephenson on Slashdot today, and the last question asks directly about the use of Creative Commons Licenses by novelists: 12) Do new publishing models make sense? – by Infonaut Have you contemplated using any sort of alternative to traditional copyright for your works of fiction, such…

Remix Radio Show to Debut in the Bay Area This Sunday, 2PM on KALW

About CC post

Cult radio favorite Benjamen Walker takes listeners through a novel, lawyer-free look at recombinant art. SAN FRANCISCO, USA October 21, 2004 At 2pm this Sunday, October 24, San Francisco’s KALW will debut a unique new radio special: “The Creative Remix,” written and hosted by Benjamen Walker and sponsored by the nonprofit Creative Commons, is an…

Who holds the copyright to the Universe?

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Back cover of the inaugural issue of PLoS Medicine. Yesterday the Public Library of Science released the first issue of their second journal, PLoS Medicine. All articles are available under the Creative Commons Attribution License. Open Access News covers reactions to the new journal with several posts over the last few days. Also see our…

The WIRED CD: Earplug

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I forgot to blog this last week when a friend pointed me to it: online music mag Earplug’s current issue blurbs the forthcoming WIRED CD and November issue. A taste of the punchy and deliciously accurate write-up: The Creative Commons license is not a free-for-all: some of the artists permit only non-commercial sampling and sharing…

Creative Commons South Africa Drafts Now Available

About CC post

The innovative nonprofit pairs with South African experts to offer localized versions of its “some rights reserved” copyright licenses soon SAN FRANCISCO, USA AND JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA — October 19, 2004— Creative Commons, a nonprofit dedicated to building a body of creative work free to share and build upon, announced today that South Africa is…