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The Legal Education Commons

Open Education post

The Legal Education Commons launched yesterday with open access to over 700,000 federal court decisions. The LEC is an “open, searchable collection of resources designed specifically for use in legal education.” It is made possible by a collaboration between the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI) and Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society. From…

Mayer and Bettle


2006 – 5:48 mins Mayer and Bettle explain what Creative Commons is and how it works. A short promotional animation created for Creative Commons Australia and the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). Assets No additional assets are available. If you would like to make Mayer and Bettle source assets available here, please email License…

The Global Lives Project

Open Culture post

The Global Lives Project is a project that aims to “record 24 hours in the lives of ten people that roughly represent the diversity our planet’s population.” Accomplishing this via a volunteer-network dispersed through out the globe, GLP aggregates video for these subjects based on a unique spreadsheet approach to understand global demographics. All of…



“No Rights Reserved” CC0 enables scientists, educators, artists and other creators and owners of copyright- or database-protected content to waive those interests in their works and thereby place them as completely as possible in the public domain, so that others may freely build upon, enhance and reuse the works for any purposes without restriction under…

Interviews with Creative Commons: Jamie, Eric & Fred

Uncategorized post

A couple interviews with CC board and staff have surfaced in the last week or two. BBC Radio 4 interviewed Creative Commons Board Chair James Boyle about the public domain and how Creative Commons helps enrich the environment of the mind. Before Jamie’s interview, the Beeb chats with Chris Anderson talks about his new book…

Lawrence Lessig on Colbert Report Tonight

Uncategorized post

Creative Commons’ founder, Lawrence Lessig has been recently talking about his new book, REMIX but tonight he’ll be appearing as the special guest on The Colbert Report, airing on Comedy Central at 11:30pm / 10:30c. More information available on Colbert Nation, and streaming video of show should be available tomorrow, so keep an eye on…

Final Commoner Letter: Jimmy Wales

Copyright post

Our final commoner letter of this campaign comes from Jimmy Wales, who needs no introduction. If you haven’t contributed, now is the time. Please help spread this letter far and wide. Now, Jimmy Speaks… —————– Dear Creative Commoner, Creative Commons recently celebrated its 6th birthday, and I want to take a moment to ask for…

Global CC Birthday Parties

Events post

The globe lit up last week to celebrate the birthday of a community and organization now in its sixth year. Creative Commons, as demonstrated by these events, is about more than just free legal tools — it’s a powerful idea that has spread the world over. In Chennai the CC Birthday Party merged with the…

Wired NextMusic


2007 – 13:46m License: Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 In September 2006, Wired and Flavorpill hosted a sold-out concert in New York with all proceeds donated to Creative Commons. The show celebrated creative reuse and featured mash-up/remix artist Girl Talk, DJ/producer Diplo, and experimental pop supergroup Peeping Tom. Missing Pieces created this mini-documentary about the event, which also…

Reticulum Rex


2003 — 5:43 mins This film describes some of CC’s success stories and gives insight into where we’re headed. Translations To view subtitled versions, or to contribute a translation, visit the dotSub page for this video. Assets Original /wp-content/uploads/2008/12/ File Quicktime MPEG Ogg Theora Audio Video Font All Assets (ZIP) Transcript License Reticulum Rex by…