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Week Left in Pooling Ideas Competition!

Open Culture post

There’s about a week left to enter CC Australia’s Pooling Ideas competition before it closes on March 23. They’re giving away cool prizes, including an internship with ABC Radio National to co-produce The Night Air and mountains of CC gear. Contestants are invited to creatively interpret the theme We are what we share, and upload…

Sketchory: CC-Licensed Sketches

Open Culture post

Sketchory is a new site featuring over 250,000 CC-licensed sketches, available broadly under a CC BY-NC license that allows for open sharing and remixing. In a unique twist, Sketchory allows the commercial use of up to 5,000 sketches through using our CC+ protocol. Sketchory currently needs help tagging images to improve their search functionality, so…

Brooklyn Museum's API

Open Culture post

In case it weren’t evidenced by their participation in Wikipedia Loves Art, The Brooklyn Museum is an institution that simply “gets it.” On Tuesday, they launched an API. The Brooklyn Museum Collection API consists of a set of methods that return structured data and links to images from the museum’s collections. This is particularly exciting…

FairShare launched

Uncategorized post

Attributor launched FairShare today, a CC-aware self service platform for tracking the spread of your works around the web, building on their index of 35 billion web pages. FairShare encourages choosing a CC license to make clear the terms under which you want your works to be spread, then gives you feeds showing exactly where…

CC Salon Berlin and openeverything focus – Feb. 26

Events post

Encouraged by the resonance of openeverything camp in December 2008, we’re helping put on a regular series of events about “openness.” This Thursday, Feb. 26, kicks off the first openeverything focus, in tandem with the CC Salon in Berlin. This month we’re focusing on Open Knowledge, delving into project like OKFN‘s Open Knowledge Definition and…

REMINDER: CC Salon NYC Tomorrow Night

Events post

Just a reminder that the Creative Commons Salons NYC is happening tomorrow night! Creative Commons Salons in NYC have been building momentum and tomorrow is our February salon. Come out to have some beers with the CC community (don’t worry, we’ll open it up early this time) watch some cool presentations, and meet some new…

University of Michigan Library

Open Education post

Over the past year, the University of Michigan Library has shown itself to be particularly sensible in regards to open content licensing, the public domain, and issues of copyright in the digital age. The U-M Library has integrated public domain book machines, adopted CC licensing for their content, and independently had their Copyright Specialist, Molly…

Announcing February's CC Salon NYC

Events post

Creative Commons Salons in NYC have been building momentum and it is now time for our February salon. Come out to have some beers with the CC community (don’t worry, we’ll open it up early this time) watch some cool presentations, and meet some new faces in the free culture space. Since we’ve outgrown our…

ccNewsletter #11

Uncategorized post

We’re at a very exciting time in the life of CC. We had a great year last year, and as you’ll read in this newsletter, CC is poised for even more growth and success in 2009 — in the realms of education, science, culture, internationally, and more. February also marks the one-year anniversary since the…

Indaba Music on Colbert Report Tonight

Open Culture post

Following up Lawrence Lessig’s remix-tastic appearance on the Colbert Report earlier in January, Indaba Music‘s Dan Zaccagnino will be chatting with Stephen tonight about Indaba’s remix and online collaboration community. If you’re looking to create your own Colbert remix or just listen to some more, head over to the page on Indaba Music that is…