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A Call for Translated Commons Deeds

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While we’re talking translations: As our iCommons project begins to port the lawyer-readable licenses to various countries’ laws and languages, we’d like to start translating the human-readable portion of our licenses as well. (Here’s an example of one in English.) Just as humans are less formal than lawyers, so will this process be less formal…

Creative Commons Welcomes Joi Ito to Board of Directors

About CC post

San Francisco- and Tokyo-based venture capitalist, technologist, and policy expert joins leadership of the Silicon Valley nonprofit Palo Alto, USA — Creative Commons, a nonprofit corporation dedicated to expanding the world of reusable content online, announced today that Joichi Ito has joined its Board of Directors. Ito is a venture capitalist, technologist, and internationally popular…

VentureBlog and Bag and Baggage

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We’ve have been enjoying the content on VentureBlog and Bag and Baggage for some time, but recently both of these Creative Commons licensed blogs did a great job covering The Wall Street Journal’s D: All Things Digital Conference. Thanks to some restrictions on the conference, professional journalists were not allowed to cover the event, but…

iCommons Finland Begins

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Finland is the first country to take part in iCommons, our project to port the lawyer-readable versions of our licenses for use across the world. The Helsinki Institute for Information Technology has produced a first draft of the Finnish licenses and will lead the process from a public discussion list hosted on our site. The…

Creative Commons Begins Work On Finnish Versions Of Copyright Licenses

About CC post

The Helsinki Institute for Information Technology Will Drive Public Discussion from the Silicon Valley Nonprofit’s Website Palo Alto, California, USA – Creative Commons, a nonprofit dedicated to building a layer of reasonable copyright, announced today that it would begin development of Finnish versions of its copyright licenses as part of its ongoing International Commons (iCommons)…

Sampling license: highlights from week 1

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The highlight reel from the first week of the Sampling License discussion: Sarah Brown raised concerns that the draft language wasn’t clear enough about the copyrightability of sample-derived works and what other rights the sampler enjoys in them. She suggested we address these issues more explicitly. Cathy Kirkman, however, explained why the license itself need…

Creative Commons and Negativland Begin Work on Free Sampling and Collage

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The Silicon Valley Nonprofit Also Rolls Out New Model for Community Participation Palo Alto, California, USA – May 29, 2003 – Creative Commons, a nonprofit dedicated to building a layer of reasonable copyright, announced today that it would begin development of the Sampling License, a copyright tool designed to let artists encourage the creative transformation…

Birdman Lives

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Salon has a fun piece, “Pillaging the Cartoon Universe,” about the Cartoon Network’s “Birdman: Attorney at Law,” a show saturated with cameos by characters from classic cartoons and other pop culture artifacts. Two disappointing aspects to this piece: 1) the bulk of it is available only to Salon “premium” subscribers, and 2) author Scott Thill…

Creative Commons Welcomes Filmmaker Davis Guggenheim to Board of Directors

About CC post

Austin and Palo Alto, USA — March 11, 2003 — Davis Guggenheim, a celebrated director and producer of both documentary and dramatic film and television, joined the board of directors of Creative Commons this week. “Davis brings a unique and invaluable perspective to our team,” said Lawrence Lessig, Chairman of Creative Commons and Professor of…

Erik Ostrom

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Today we’re starting a new feature on the Creative Commons weblog: the Featured Content of the Week. Each week, we’ll link to some interesting licensed content that we’ve found on the web. These can be single photographs, songs, movies, e-books, or even new weblogs. If you’ve got some interesting material you’d like to be considered…