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Safe Creative Looking For US Trainee

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CC’s Business Development team Jon Phillips and myself got a chance to meet up a few weeks ago with the awesome staff over at the Spain-based SafeCreative project. They’re working to build a free and open global intellectual property registry that allows users to publicly assert and identify their rights over a work. The project…

Jamison Young

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Jamison Young is a musician who records endlessly and plays live as often as he can. Young releases all his music under a CC licence, some through ‘fairplay’ label (and former Featured Commoner) Beatpick, who helped get Young’s track “Memories Child” into the soundtrack for new feature film “The X-Files: I Want to Believe“. We…

Vital Signs on Moving Towards Openness

Open Science post

Photo by Petri Tuohimaa for GMRI, CC BY-NC-ND “Sarah on a beach near Portland, Maine looking for two species of invasive marine crabs – Carcinus maenas (European green crab) and Hemigrapsus sanguineus (Asian shore crabs).” In April, I had a chance to meet with Sarah Kirn, Program Manager of Vital Signs, a field and inquiry…

Reminder: CC Salon NYC is Wednesday Night

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Just a quick reminder that CC Salon NYC is happening tomorrow night. July’s salon will feature presentations from Wikia Search, Livable Streets Network, and a special performance from comedian Max Silvestri (of Gabe + Max’s Internet Thing). Here are the details: Wednesday, July 23rd from 7-10pm The Open Planing Project 349 W. 12th St., 1st…

George Eastman House, Bibliothèque de Toulouse Join Flickr Commons

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Dans les jardins de Monte-Carlo | No known copyright restrictions. Two more amazing photo collections have been added to the continuously growing Flickr Commons, one coming from the George Eastman House and the other from Le Bibliothèque de Toulouse. Both groups’ photostreams are absolutely amazing to pour over, offering stunning images from the turn of…

George Eastman House, Bibliothèque de Toulouse Join Flickr Commons

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Dans les jardins de Monte-Carlo | No known copyright restrictions. Two more amazing photo collections have been added to the continuously growing Flickr Commons, one coming from the George Eastman House and the other from Le Bibliothèque de Toulouse. Both groups’ photostreams are absolutely amazing to pour over, offering stunning images from the turn of…

Tribe of Noise Opens With BY-SA Licensed Music

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Tribe of Noise, a community driven music discovery network, is now open for all to join and participate.  Tribe of Noise, which was started by Hessel van Oorschot and Sandra Brandenburg in the Netherlands, allows artists to upload their works using the CC:BY-SA license.  The roots and goals of the project are related to the…

Geograph British Isles Releases Torrents of Data

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The Geograph British Isles project, which aims to collect geographically representative photographs and information for every square kilometer of Great Britain and Ireland, has started releasing torrents of their photographs available for anyone to download and use. The project has divided the area of Great Britain and Ireland into a grid with equal size squares…

Participate In Flickr User CC Licensing Study!

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Our good friend and new media sociologist Alek Tarkowski from CC Poland has been working hard to compile data for a new report on Flickr user patterns and content licensing. This’ll be a great boost for deepening our developing case study, and will go a long way to supporting our ongoing efforts to develop an…