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Joi Ito Discusses CC in Business Week

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Joi Ito, CC’s CEO, recentlly sat down with Business Week to discuss Creative Commons, our mission, and how our licenses work the way they do. The article has an obvious focus on the business potential of CC licences but touches on the implications our licences have in the arts and education as well. It’s a…


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Creative Commons is working with Association for Technology and Internet to create Romania jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi Romania List Project Lead: Stefan Gavrilescu, Bogdan Manolea License draft (Version 3.0, PDF). English re-translation of the draft (PDF). English explanations of substantial legal changes (PDF). Post a message. Subscribe to the discussion.…


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Creative Commons is working with The Haifa Center of Law & Technology (HCLT) to create Israel jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi Israel List Project Lead: Rotem Medzini Creative Commons Israel website Join the online discussion of the licenses. More about The Haifa Center of Law & Technology (HCLT) The Haifa Center…

dublab and Creative Commons launch Into Infinity

Open Culture post

I’m happy to announce that dublab and Creative Commons have launched Into Infinity, a CC-licensed art and music project themed around the infinite possibilities of creative reuse. The online exhibition is available now; physical installations are being planned for Winter 2008 and throughout 2009. Earlier this year, we distributed 12″ circular canvases to a collection…

Announcing September's CC Salon NYC

Events post

After the success of July’s CC Salon NYC, we’re even more excited about inviting you to September’s! The Open Planning Project has once again generously allowed us to use their loft space in the West Village for the salon and a reception afterward. September’s Salon will feature presentations from Rachel Sterne from, Michael Galpert…

ccNewsletter #8 – Culture Commons

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For all of you interested in what CC is currently doing in the culture space — check out this month’s edition of the ccNewsletter. The ccNewsletter comes out every two months and is a great way to get up to speed on current CC news, whether you’re already familiar with CC or new to the…


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Creative Commons is working with the Vienna University of Economics to create Austria jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi Austria List Project Lead: Dr. Florian Philapitsch, LL.M. CC 3.0 – German explanation of substantive legal changes (PDF) CC 1.0 – License draft (PDF). CC 1.0 – English explanation of substantive legal changes (PDF).…

San Francisco Salon is Tonight

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Don’t forget to come out to the CC Salon in San Francisco tonight! The lineup features a screening of a CC-licensed film from Arts Engine, Inc. along with our own Eric Steuer who will discuss the soon to be launched Film Maker’s Toolkit. Rob Sloan from Current TV will be wrapping up the evening. The…

Openmoko opens up their schematics

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With the great success of releasing their CAD files under a Creative Commons license Openmoko, the Open Source mobile telephone company, announced that they will also release the schematics. CAD files are the design specification for how the phone looks (size, shape, etc) while the schematics are the designs of the electronics inside. Included with…

Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase

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Coming to a Linux distribution near you: The Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase. The Community Manager for Ubuntu, Jono Bacon, just announced a contest to have your song or video distributed with the next Ubuntu release in October! What this means is that Ubuntu is giving free culture musicians and movie creators the opportunity to get…