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Commoner Letter #3: Jonathan Coulton

Copyright post

Jonathan Coulton; photo by Del Far under CC BY 2.0 To our community – for our next commoner letter we are featuring an artist who has really proven that the CC model works for musicians. Jonathan Coulton has made a career out of sharing his music with his fans, not just aurally, but digitally and…

Reminder: CC Salon SF this Wednesday (11/19/08)

Events post

To the Bay Area CC community: we hope you can make it to our next CC Salon SF this Wednesday, from 7-9 pm. The theme is “CC and Citizen Journalism,” and we’re very excited about the presenters we’ve got lined up: From Wikinews: Volunteer Coordinator Cary Bass and Bay Area “Wikinewsie” volunteer Jon Davis will…

Onemedia Unconference

Events post

If you can’t attend the Standford Open Source (Un)Conference this Friday because you are in London, you are in luck! There is another unconference option right in your city! The Onemedia Unconference, which is being held in London today and tomorrow, is hoping to provide a venue for all who are interested in how new…

Into Infinity's new "nesting" feature

Open Culture post

There’s more action at the online home of Into Infinity (see this previous post for a full description of the project). The new automated “nesting” page pulls in visual pieces of the show at random and embeds them within one another to create interesting combinations. Sometimes the results don’t quite make sense together, but I’ve…

CC Salon LA 11/11/08 recap

Events post

Last night, we hosted another edition of our CC Salon series in Los Angeles. Dublab‘s Mark McNeill and Ale Cohen discussed their endeavors in Web radio, art, and film – as well as Into Infinity, the art and music exhibition they’re producing in collaboration with Creative Commons. Lucas Gonze gave a presentation about the economics…

The Fader: The State of the Remix

Open Culture post

Music and culture magazine The Fader launched a new online column today called “A Rational Conversation Between Two Adults,” in which editor Eric Ducker IM-terviews a staffmember or guest about a subject of interest to the magazine’s readers. The debut entry is a chat with DJ, producer, and label head Nick Catchdubs about “The State…

Lucky Dragons

Open Culture post

Lucky Dragons, an experimental music/art group based in Los Angeles, is the moniker given to “any recorded or performed or installed or packaged or shared pieces made by Luke Fischbeck, Sarah Rara, and any sometimes collaborator.” Blending an organic approach to electronic music with a background in the arts, everything Lucky Dragons produces is released…

Kelly Link on Creative Commons

Uncategorized post

Author Kelly Link, renowned for her work in a variety of literary genres, is specifically noteworthy to the CC community for her decision in 2005 to release Stranger Things Happen, her first major collection of short stories, under a CC BY-NC-SA license. In a recent interview with The Nation, Link addressed this decision: As a…