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Common Gnomes

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Another goodie from the elves in the CC Geek Workshop, this time for our friends using Linux; in particular, Gnome users. The new tool, as of yet unnamed (suggestions?) adds a Creative Commons tab to the file properties of any MP3 file. For example, a track from Copy Me/Remix Me : As you can see,…

Copyright and the US Federal Gov't

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While I watch the news in Portland about Mt. St. Helens and its possible upcoming eruption, I’m seeing plenty of links to the volcano webcam on blogs. One of the blogs that stood out for different reasons is the Berkeley Intellectual Property blog’s post about the Terms of Service, copyright status, and law around Federal…

Clone Contest

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If you missed out on our moving images contest earlier this year, you have a second chance of sorts. The Center for the Study of the Public Domain’s Arts Project Contest is based on our moving images contest. A contest to create a 2-minute moving image that explains to the public some of the tensions…

Searching for Creative Commons on Yahoo!

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In addition to using our new search engine to find great content to build upon and share, you can also do interesting searches using Yahoo!, who currently indexes ~ 4.7 million Creative Commons licensed pages. Yahoo! allows you to constrain searches to pages that link to specific Creative Commons licenses using the “link:URL” function. For…

Learning Photo

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There are lots of great sites to help you learn the basics of photography and keep up with the latest news, but recently I came across the new site Learning Photo which is doing something a bit different than the others. For each shot shared on the site, the photographer describes the location and how…

Some clarifications about the "Commonwealth" list

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A few of you have expressed concern about a discussion list we announced recently. These are all good points and I feel I should make a couple of things clear: (1) It is never a foregone conclusion that a project in discussion will be adopted by Creative Commons. Check out the image on our discuss…

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With the advent of various news gathering services, there’s been a recent trend to produce visualizations to make sense of the information deluge. So far I’ve seen this flash representation of Google News, a Java representation of NewsIsFree, and this interesting timeline-based topic view of Google News, also in flash. A completely different view on…

Seems fair. Share and enjoy!

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Last month Norman Walsh started using a Creative Commons license for his essays (consistently informed and provocative on XML, Semantic Web, and other technical topics) and photographs. Norm does us the favor of explaining his choice: When I started writing this collection of essays, I slapped on a quick copyright statement asserting “All Rights Reserved.”…

Make anything on earth a derivative work

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Today while I was at a web conference, a speaker used an incredible MIT Media Lab project as a demo during a talk. Check out the I/O brush project. The project appears to be a camera that can take a photo still or video of anything you point it at, then the captured images can…